Chapter Twenty-Two

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    After making life changing experiences with having to break out to her mother and eventually telling her father, as well as cutting off loose ends with Trevor, Karissa started to go back on track once more and this time for good. Within months, there was process being made and Karissa knew she had one other thing to do...talking to Terrence and Jamie for the first time in years.
    "I'm a little nervous about this mom." Karissa says to her mother on the phone, "You will do just fine my dear, I know this is going to be hard for you but the doctor says you need some closure in order to do this.", "I know mom, but it's has been five years since I have talked to both of them...not sure how awkward this is going to be...", "Just remember that they at least agreed to come to NY to see you and only you.", "I know mom but all I can say is I am so damn nervous that it's not even funny.". There was a knock on the door, "Mom, I have to go...I think they're here.", "Okay Honey, good luck.".
    The knock on the door became two to three knocks, but Karissa hesitated that split second opening that door as she hasn't seen them for a long time and worried things may end badly once more. She opens the door slowly and sees Terrence and Jamie standing side to side looking at her straight in the eyes. Terrence was taller than the girls, skinny with a round face and green eyes whereas Jamie had the same colour hair as Karissa's but was a little shorter than her in height with blue eyes. "H-Hi." Karissa says, "Hi" they both said. Karissa ushers her brother and sister in closing the door behind them. The two looked at Karissa's apartment and notice how nice of a place she has. "You have a nice place." Says Jamie, "Yeah, you did well." Says Terrence. Karissa was so relieved for once to be getting compliments from her siblings who have bullied her all of her life.
    "So from talking to the two of us on the phone, you wanted us to come see you, why is that?" Jamie asks softly, "Look you guys, I know it's been several years since we've had any contact but there are some things that I am going through that I want to put the past in the past and if you let me, it will make the world of a difference not just for me but for you two as well. I want us to talk and not be in denial here, I want us to talk what is bothering us all and hopefully rekindle and become actual siblings that we were meant to be.".
    "It's just that Terrence and I believed when before you were born, mom and dad were still together and when they got divorced...well we just assumed that it had something to do with you since you were born..." Jamie says, "You know that's not true Jamie, you guys know that our parents only divorced because they stopped loving each other." Karissa pleads. "Me and Jamie, we were talking and we both agreed what you said." Says Terrence, "We were just kids at the time and the stupidest things that we have done for you was making your life a living hell when you didn't deserve it. We should of have known better not to pick on you and realize at the time that none of this was your fault...I guess what Jamie and I are trying to say is...we are sorry and we have been in regret for a long time.". To Karissa's surprise, Terrence walks up to her and gives her a hug while Jamie joins in as well. The three stood there hugging each other for a long time without ever wanting to let go. "We're so sorry." They both said, "We're so sorry for all the pain we have caused for you and we shouldn't of have carried on like that.". There was a tear flowing down Karissa's cheek as Terrence hugged her tighter and so did Jamie. "We love you little sister and we should have known better not to hurt you that way, Terrence and I kept thinking how embarrassing it was for us to be acting like little kids.".
    The "visit" that Karissa has been dreading for quite some time ended up being one of the best visits she's ever had with her siblings. This time, her heart was complete and it showed she could finally have some closure that she has been wanting for so long. The three became closer than ever before and could put the past into the past. Towards the end, Karissa says good-bye to Terrence and Jamie as they both walked away with their faces beaming in joy and happiness. Karissa phones her mother right away and tells her how well the visit had went for the three of them and all Karissa could hear was her mother crying for joy on the other end of the line. This was going to be a new beginning for her.
    In conclusion, Karissa was able to find happiness, love and joy after everything she has dealt with in her life and be able to have a normal, functional life that she always have been wanting for as long as she can remember. She tears up her suicide note, gets rid of her sharp objects once more and started to become a positive, happy person.
    Her new habit now is going to Central Park every late afternoon to watch the sunset on the bridge. As she sits there on one of the benches, she sees birds cawing and flapping their winds towards the sun and started to look down at her scars that were healing and almost nearly gone. She takes her sweater off for the first time in a long time and shows not her shame to the world anymore but her brave "tattoos" that have made her who the young Karissa Hanley has become.

                                                              <The End>

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