Chapter Twelve

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"Hi mom, how have you been?", "Karissa honey!! I've been really good, how's my baby been? I thought I had lost you!", "Haha no-no mom, I was on my way to work when you called, but I didn't want you to think that I have forgotten you.", "So how is everything going? Did you make new friends in the city? Are you seeing any guys...well hopefully you still come back home to date Marcus in the near future." No surprise, she said it YET again. Wish she knew what had happened between him and I. "Actually mom, I've made a friend at my work, her name is Whitney. We are kind of friends but we are still getting to know each other of course but she's nice, she's a little older than me. But I've meaning to tell you something...", "Oh ok, is everything good? Do you need to move back home? Because you can my love.", "No-no mom, it's just that I....I found someone...a really nice guy and I think you would like him." There I finally said it!
"Oh my goodness!! Are you serious?" the mother gleed in joy, "Even though Marcus is available but I'm so happy for you my dear! Now did you tell your father because I hope you did and how about Terrance and Jamie??". Karissa's mother was going on in a hundred miles an hour, almost couldn't catch her breath. "Mom, relax I told Dad yes but not the siblings. You know they don't care to hear from me. I never once got a phone call nor a text from those two selfish brats.", "I know sweetie, I can understand that...they both have alot of growing up to do and I feel so bad that I had mentioned their names since I know you didn't have a good childhood with those two.", "Can we just forget that we were talking about them please?".
Her mother agreed and the phone conversation went on for hours as Karissa was super excited to find someone. She told her how they met, their very first date when they went out for coffee and how he had bought her a cup of tea and a little bit of his family. "Well darling, I'm so happy to hear you are doing very well. I thought I would have to worry about you but your father and I would love to meet this young Trevor fellow.", "I might have to bring him to Beacon or you guys can come here and meet him.", "Which ever would work for you two, my baby is growing up way too fast!". Karissa laughs on the other end even though, she feels like she's dying inside. She's grateful to stop drinking but wish she could do the same with her cutting issues.
She does very well hiding her Depression away from anyone she knew including her mother. She really believes she doesn't have Depression at the moment since cutting makes her feel content and alive. The conversation finally came close to an end when Karissa had heard a knock on her apartment door. "Mom, I better go...someone is at the door.", "You bet my darling, now I want you to keep in touch with me okay!", "Sure mom but I have to go now.", "Alright, I love you honey very much!", "Love you too!".
The door still keeps knocking but Karissa looked through her peeping hole of the door and opened it, "Trevor!" She says excitedly, "I didn't expect you until toni..." Karissa couldn't finish her sentence as Trevor gave her a big smooch and handed her a bouquet of beautiful red roses. Karissa was in shock and couldn't believe that she had gotten flowers from him, she started to cry. "Aww honey, don't cry, if you're going to cry like that, I won't buy you anymore flowers.", "No-no I'm crying because I'm happy and you are the very first guy that ever bought me flowers!". She kissed him passionately that they both ended walking backwards to her bedroom, leaving the roses on her dresser drawer. Trevor unbuttons her dress shirt and kisses her upper chest and neck. Karissa moans and grabs Trevor's head and kisses and bites his bottom lip ever so slightly.
"Hmm bad girl wants to come play doesn't she." He grins taking her skirt off and the rest was endless. They had sex again and again. After they had their fun, Trevor picks up Karissa and puts her on his right knee and pulls her arms, pushes her back and checks her chest. "What on earth are you doing Trevor?" She asked getting confused, "I"m checking to see if you had cut yourself today."

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