Chapter Three

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    "Hi honey, how have you been?", "Mom, we just talked yesterday" sighed Karissa, "Oh, well I could have sworn we haven't talked to each other for a long time, feels like it's been a week!" Karissa laughed softly and decided to go along with what her mother says, "Yeah I guess you're right, it's been so long. How was your day?" "My day was good, I did some housecleaning then I went to the farmer's market and you wouldn't guess who I saw there?" "Oh, who did you see?" "Your old boyfriend Marcus of course, when I saw him I said to myself sure enough that was him and went up to him and said hello to him" Ugh Mom why did you do that?? Karissa shuddered in her mind. "Ok um...right was he?" "He was doing excellent, he recently started a business selling bunch of techie stuff that you guys do these days, he asked about you and I said well you're in NYC and I'm pretty sure he misses you sweetheart, he really does!!"
    "But Marcus and I broke up for a reason mom, it just didn't work out, I moved on!" "It makes me wish you guys were still together, goodness you could still be living at home and working for his business...maybe got back together?" "Mom! Please were not meant to be together anymore plus it's not like I'm all the way in China...I'm only an hour away!" "Well, you do seem like you're all the way in China!" I give up mom, sometimes I can't always reason with you. "Look, I don't want to argue with you mom but I'm actually getting tired, can I talk to you later?" "Oh alright Honey, remember what I said and keep in mind, I'm pretty sure he's single too!" "GOOD-BYE MOTHER!" Karissa hung up her iPhone very quickly and really wanted to throw the phone across the room.
Karissa puts her both of her hands through her hair and takes her bun off. She happens to look at her cuts she's made and had the tendency to scratch them since they were itchy. "Fuck sakes Mom!" She says, "Can't she understand we don't belong together?" Yet even though she thinks that, she happens to look across the kitchen and notice a picture of her and Marcus together at one of their friend's birthday parties. She walked from the kitchen island to the picture frame and picked it up. She looked at how happy they really were, the story of her and Marcus was short and sweet. He didn't hurt her or ruin her life, they had made a mistake when they were both Twenty years old...

"Hey baby, are you okay?" Marcus called Karissa as he haven't heard from her in days.
"I'm okay Marcus, you worry too much"
"You sure? You don't sound like you're fine!"
"Marcus believe me, it's just the flu I have, I'm fine"
Karissa began to worry knowing it may not be the could be something that was unplanned the night of her birthday.
She then realizes her stomach isn't feeling up to par
"Marcus...I-I have to g-go, I-I'm gotta go puke....."
Before she could hang up the phone, she began to rush to the bathroom and starting throwing up in the toilet.
"Karissa? Karissa? Hello? Hello? Should I come over?"
She could hear Marcus echoing in the hallway while she was lying on the floor in agony.
The next thing she knows, she bought a pregnancy test and the test became...positive
"Shit!" Is all she could say "Fuck me!"
"We're keeping the baby Karissa!"
"No Marcus, we can't...I can't be a mother...this is too soon!"
"Whether or not you like it, I'm going to marry you!"
"Please don't be doing this! We know what the answer is going to be!"
"I can't help it if I didn't use a condom!"
"You chose that so I can get pregnant on purpose!"
The argument became intense
The screaming became louder and louder
Then suddenly Karissa slapped him across the face and told him "We're through!"
"Fine! Be like that!"
The next thing she knows, their unborn baby was no longer their baby
The abortion made everything better for the both of them
Or she had though it did...

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