Chapter 2.

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The looking and the stares continue like this , i find him looking at me every now and then. Which makes me feel really good. I still don't understand why he isn't making a move but I'm not complaining either.!I've learned a lot about him from watching him from far i mean I've been practically watching him for months now, he has some huge appetite i swear he eats like an elephant apparently he likes the color black a lot since it's all he ever wears , he's friends with everyone and he's the school's bad boy. Which means he's out of my reach , but maybe he isn't since he actually looks at me? I don't even know.

Right now I'm in the school's gym and he's playing basketball with his friends, i didn't have classes or anything so i found myself here. He looks amazing even like this even when he's tired as hell and just running around with a ball. He doesn't even notice me or the other 20 girls who are watching him.

'Hey, Sel what are you thinking of?' Ana's voice interrupts my train of thoughts.

'Nothing really.' I lie. I still haven't told her about my meaningless crush for Shawn, because they practically hate each other , every time they pass by us or something they have to give each other a death glare. After our first day's incident in the cafeteria we haven't talked again. They're in 11th grade as well but practically we don't really have anything in common not even classes except for 3. Moron has a lot of classes with me Idiot has less but he has the least.

'There you went for it again , thought about something.' She smirks.

'No I wasn't.' I think she knows about my crush for Shawn but she just wants me to admit it, but I won't. I bring my attention back to the game , to him.
He's got the ball right now , of course Moron and Idiot and some of his friends are playing too. He passes one of the guys successfully and then another, until he scores, i hold my breath when he throws the ball but he always scores i know that because I've watched him play many times, when i talk about it like this it seems so creepy but most of them were just coincidence. He turns his attention to everyone sitting for few seconds and oddly enough his eyes catch mine, he looks at me for a brief moment and then looks away i freeze with the eye contact. Every time he looks at me or somehow is really near me i get terribly nervous which makes me very uncomfortable. I don't want him to think that I'm sitting there just because of him.

'Ana? Let's go.' I say.

'Ughh where?'

'Let's just go I don't wanna stay here any longer.'

'Why the sudden mood swing?' She asks. Confused.

'Why ask so much questions?'

She shakes her head and gets up i do too , i walk out of gym and she follows me outside. Me and Ana have really turned to best friends this year, we're almost finishing 11th grade which is somehow exciting. And somehow it isn't.

We walk to our next class slowly i know we will be there early anyway so why rush it? This class is the class that i share with both Ian and Stefan, Biology class.

I take a seat in the back and Ana takes one in front of me, Usually I'm the student who sits in the front but today i just don't feel like it. Its not like i pay attention anyway. We wait for another 10 minutes before the teacher comes in. He gets into the studying thing immediately and then he's interrupted by the gangsters themselves.

'Well well Mr. Brady and Mr. Carson why are you two late? Again?' The teacher looks at them with a look of disappointment mixed with annoyance.

'Well practically traffic.' Ian says.
What traffic? Since when there's traffic in school? Is this his version of a Joke?

'What traffic?' The teacher(Mr. Campbell.) asks with confusion.

'He means we were in the gym and the hallways were pretty crowded till we got here so we apologize.' Stefan says.

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