Chapter Twenty Four

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While I dress for the day, memories from last night dance with thoughts of what Harry is up to now.  However, the threat of an unfed and grouchy Grandfather is enough to make sure I don't completely fall down the rabbit hole of my endless thoughts and questions, though. I manage to quickly throw on a house dress and sweater and dart down to the kitchen.

Margaret has a few things set aside that I assume she'd like prepared, so I quickly get to it. Breakfast doesn't take long, and soon the tea is steaming and the food is ready to go out. 

"Good morning," I chirp, greeting Grandfather and Gran in the dinning room. Grandfather sits at the head of the table. He lowers his newspaper at my cheery entrance, giving me a pleasant, yet lackluster smile before returning to his reading.

"Well good morning, m'dear," Gran replies. 

"How is everyone this morning? It looks absolutely beautiful outside today, doesn't it!" I ask, taking the seat across from Gran.

Grandfather looks down his nose as he gazes outside. "It looks grey," he replies dryly.

"Does it?" I turn around in my chair. I suppose it's a bit on the dreary side, but the grey is almost a dusted white color, blanketing the world serenely. 

"I should think it will snow soon. I absolutely love when it snows!" 

"Oh, do you? You know your mother would go absolutely wild every first snow," Gran beams. 

"That definitely sounds like mother," I laugh lightly. "Every year, whenever the first snow hits, she runs around getting any of us who are home to go outside and just take it all in. She'd even wake us if it was the middle of the night." I loved that about Mother. She has a knack for making any odd thing seem like the most special and precious treasure in the world. 

"And how many times did you children all fall ill then?" Grandfather asks, not looking up from his paper. 

"We pretty much live at the hospital."  I calmly reply to his judgmental comment. Grandfather glances over his paper, gaging my sarcasm, and I can see Gran crack a smile out of the corner of my eye. 

I've become a bit more accustomed to his rough edges, and it isn't like I don't have thick skin- I grew up with four other siblings for pete's sake. 

"What are your plans for the day Gran?" I quickly ask before Grandfather can find another way to insult me. 

"We've got lots to do today for the dinner later this week." Gran smacks her lips with pride. "I'm so excited you'll be here to see it, Hazel. It really is quite the event."

"Well, I'm excited to be here," I politely reply, leaving out the fact that it's mostly because I want to be necking one of Grandfather's employees. I shake my head slightly to get the idea out of my head, grabbing a piece of toast to focus on.

"Your dress should be in at the shop by Monday," Gran continues. "You'll look absolutely stunning. I can't wait to show you off to everyone." I offer up a simple smile, not wanting to get into Gran's antiquated concept of dating. 

"So what's new in the world, Grandfather" I ask changing the subject. Grandfather lowers his paper again, raising an eyebrow at me. We don't typically speak except for pleasantries and chores, but I'm still hopeful that deep down there's a man worth knowing. Bubbly Gran had to have seen something in him.

"Oh, it's just terrible!" Gran cuts off Grandfather right as he opens his mouth. 

"I don't know why I even bother.." Grandfather mumbles before looking back down at his paper.

"What is?" I ask, looking back and forth between Gran and Grandfather.

"Those rebel rousers over in Germany. They've gone absolutely mad," Grandmother punches her words as her hands dramatically flail.

No Matter What // Harry Styles AU -- Dunkirk inspiredحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن