17. Need a Ride?

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I laughed humourlessly. "I have a boyfriend for god's sake!"

"Aah yes. Archer gay boy—"

"Kyle don't start." I warned.

"Fine I won't." He backed out. "As long as you let me give you a ride."

I looked at him losing my patience. "You know I don't like motorbikes!"

"Let me change your mind." He winked.

"Kyle I really—"

"Oh come on princess. Just this once. If you don't like it, I'll stop and you get off. How about that?" He raised an eyebrow.

I examined the bike. It was big so I probably wouldn't fall of it. Kyles ridden a bike since the start of fucking high school so I can't believe I'm saying this, but I actually trusted him in this circumstance.  Oh and it looked pretty damn cool.

I sighed, giving in. "Fine. But if I say stop you stop straight away, understood?"

Kyle smirked. "Of course you had to add a twist." 

"Fine I'll walk—"

"Okay okay. Fine. You've got my word." He sighed. 

"Great." I smiled.

We stood there in silence looking at each other. "Are you hopping on then?" He broke the silence. 

I jumped at the sound of his voice even though I was looking at him for all that time. "Ah! Yes." I slumped my bag over my body and threw my leg over the motorcycle so I was sitting behind Kyle.

That's when I realised the only problem, there was nowhere to hold on except for—

"Put your hands around my waist." Kyle ordered not even turning around.

This is what I wanted to avoid. It was awkward. Inappropriate. It would give him reasons to tease me in the future and for Jade to kill me. I hesitated to touch his body.

"Oh come on! You're not that shy are you?" He chuckled.

I took a deep breath and put my arms around his waist as I was told.

"A tip, if you want to survive by not falling off, hold tighter." He smirked. 

"I'd rather fall off." I smiled smugly.

He rolled his eyes. "As you wish princess." I could barely hear the end of his sentence before the engine roar and the motorbike made a curb. As Kyle sped up, automatically my hands clenched to his waist or should I say abs, holding onto dear life.

Only Time Will TellTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon