"Are you sure because we can totally..."

"Barry this is the League if they find out Diane..."

"Oliver that's the thing, I understand that you want to protect me, but this is my fight too." I told not planning on backing down. "I'm tired of running away from the League."

"It's dangerous." He continued.

"I know, I was one of them. So what makes yo think that I can't do this?" I challenged causing him to sigh. Oliver looked over at Barry who had been extremely quite.

"You aren't going to stop her?"

"Yeah, have you met her?" Barry answered with a question. "I can't really do that."

I turned back to Oliver with a triumphant smile as he nodded slowly. "Fine."

"Anyways, if it becomes too much for either of us to handle we have The Flash on our side." I reminded him and Barry immediately stood up from where he was sitting with excitement.

"Yes! This is going to be awesome." Barry exclaimed as he put his hands together.

"You can never have too many team ups." Felicity added as she spun around in her chair to face us. And it seemed that everyone but Oliver was excited about this arrangement.


Felicity, Barry and I were seated as a shirtless Oliver trained in front of us. "We have the best view in the house." Felicity said with a sigh, before she realized what she just said. "Did I say that out loud?"

"Yeah, you did." I confirmed as she began to blush.

"I don't see what's so great about the view." Barry commented with a shrug.

"You're just jealous that Oliver's muscles are like twice the size of yours." Felicity replied and at this point of the conversation I knew I wanted to no part of it.

"They are not twice the size."Barry continued to argue before he looked over at me. "Aren't you going to defend me?"

"Size isn't important." I said, and then I realized I only made the situation worse. "Not that...you know...ignore that...I'm just going to stop talking."

"Anything?" Oliver asked Felicity anxiously after a couple of minutes of her trying to track down a lead, and I couldn't be more happy that he spoke up.

"I'm accessing traffic cameras, ATM cameras, phone cameras; I'm hacked into 911 and squad car chatter."

"And?" He stressed.

"No sign of evil arrow." Felicity replied with disappointment.

"Los Alcones are unloading a huge shipment of Narcotics." Roy informed as he walked into the room. "The entire gang is going to show up for protection. This is exactly the kind of thing that fake arrow would go after."

"We really need a better name for him." Felicity interrupted as she began to chew the pen that she had in her hand.

"Where's Cisco when you need him?" Barry commented causing Felicity to point her pen at him and nods in agreement.

"When is this happening?" I asked him ignoring Barry and Felicity.

"Right now." Roy replied. "I'll suit up."

"Roy this is the league." Oliver replied before he turned towards me. "We've got it."

We all suited up before Barry took us to the location that Roy gave us. Before we made a move we agreed that Barry would only become involved if it was absolutely necessary. From the roof of the warehouse Oliver and I made our way inside only to witness a man in a familiar green hood murdering everyone that occupied the warehouse. Oliver went for the first attack at the fake arrow when three more of them came out of no where. Overtime Oliver and I would take one down more of them would come to replace them.

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