26: Vegas

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"Let's have another kid," Happy says, tracing his finger along Jessa's hip. Jessa widens her eyes, laughing and shaking her head. "Fuck that. We just had one, dummy!" She exclaims, playfully shoving him. Happy gives her puppy dog eyes, and she scoffs. "Stop it. If you want to carry around that baby for nine months and then push him out of your vagina, go right ahead. Nobody's stopping you," Happy threw his head back in laughter. "Fine. We can wait a few more months," He says. "But mark my words, I will knock you up again. Intentionally this time," Jessa rolls her eyes once more. "Okay, Hap, whatever you say,"


"Well, do you want to have another kid?"Jax asks his sister as she sat next to him in his living room. Jessa sighs. "I mean yeah, eventually. But for Christ's sake, I literally just had Daxton. I think Happy's officially lost his mind," She says. Jax chuckles. "I gotta say, I never thought I'd ever hear Happy say he actually wants a kid, let alone another one," Jessa nods in agreement. "He was so hesitant when he first held Dax, but now it's like second nature to him," Jax chuckles. "I've been told I was the same way when Abel was first born," He says. "For Hap, he just never thought he'd ever have kids, much less with the step-daughter and little sister of his Prez and VP,"


~Later That Day~

Happy stood face-to-face with Jacob Hale once again. "You need to back off of my family," He snarls. Jacob put his hands up in mock defense. "I'm just looking out for my old friend," He says. "Don't want to see her or Daxton get hurt," Happy glared at him. "Don't talk about my son," He snaps. Jacob smirks at him. "Did Jess ever tell you about the time her and I snuck off to Vegas?" He asks. Happy said nothing, but his curiosity was evident on his face. Jacob nods his head. "Didn't think she would have. To the best of my knowledge she hasn't told anybody, but you should ask her about it," Happy watches as Jacob crossed the floor and opened up the office door, watching with a smirk as Happy left.


Jessa was met with a fuming Happy when he walked into the living room that night. "Baby? What's wrong?" She asks him, standing up. She put her hands on his chest, and felt his rapid heartbeat. "Happy? You're scaring me," Happy shoves her hands off of him. "Did you ever go to Vegas with Hale?" He asks her. Jessa looks shocked. "Where the hell did you hear that?" She questions. Happy rolls his eyes. "Where the fuck do you think I heard it? There's only one other person who would know, right? Because you and I both know there is no way in HELL you would've told anybody," he shouts. Jessa glances back to the bedroom. "Lower your voice, Daxton is sleeping," she says calmly. Happy scoffs. "Tell me the truth, Jessa. Did you go to Vegas with Hale?" Jessa licks her lips and sighs. "Alright, fine, I did. I was eighteen and I was pissed off that my mom married Clay, alright? Is that what you want to hear?" Happy sat down on the couch and ran his hands over his face. Jessa sat down beside him. "I'm sorry," she says. "I don't like remembering the time I spent with him, Hap. He..." She didn't finish her sentence, which caused Happy's head to snap up and look at her. "He what?" He questions. Jessa pursed her lips and kept quiet. "Damn it, Jessa! Tell me!" Happy shouts. Jessa sucks in a deep, shaky breath.

"He raped me,"


Oh shit! 😳😬

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