11: New Home

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A/N: For the sake of this story, we're going to say that Happy patches into Redwood Original in Season 2 instead of Season 3, just FYI


When David Hale walked into the diner that evening, the last thing he expected to see was Jessa Teller sitting with Happy Lowman, smiling brightly at him. Her eyes locked with David's, and she stood up from the booth. "Hi, David!" She says angelically, wrapping her arms around him in a quick hug. David was hesitant to hug her back, but he did, keeping his eyes locked on Happy, who had also stood up and was standing slightly behind Jessa. When they apart, Happy was glaring at David, but Jessa didn't notice. "I haven't seen you in like three weeks!" Jessa exclaims, playfully punching David's shoulder. "What happened to grabbing a coffee?" David tore his gaze away from Happy and smiled at Jessa. "We'll have to make plans," He says. Jessa nods her head and writes her cell phone number down on a napkin before handing it to him. David gives her one last small smile before turning and walking out of the diner.

"Why did you give him your number?" Happy asks Jessa as they sit back down. "Because he's an old friend, and I don't have any problems with him like you guys do," She answers, picking up a french fry and popping it into her mouth. Happy sighed and sat back in the booth. "Just be careful with him, okay?" He says. Jessa smirks at him. "Aw, is Happy Lowman worried about me?" She says playfully. "Don't worry, he's a cop, I'm sure I'll be pretty safe,"

Happy could clearly see how David felt about Jessa, and it scared him to know that another man had feelings for his girl. Happy knew that Jessa didn't want anything but to be friends with David, but that didn't stop the images of her with him flashing through his brain. That didn't stop the sudden fear of her choosing David over him. But Happy knew that he couldn't tell Jessa that he didn't want her to see David, because obviously she wouldn't listen and she would see him anyway, so Happy bit his tongue and kept himself from saying anything he might regret.

Instead, he smiled at Jessa and they finished having lunch.


"I think you should come and stay with me at my place," Happy says to Jessa as they walk out of the diner and over to his bike. "I'm renting a house from Chibs now, since I patched in here," Jessa raises an eyebrow at him. "You sure about that?" She asks him, taking the helmet he handed her. "Yeah, I'm sure," He says, fastening the helmet onto her head. She smiles at him and wraps her arms around his neck. "I'll have to grab my shit from ma and Clay's," She says. "Jesus, Gem's gonna kick my ass,"

Instead of going back to the clubhouse, Happy sent a quick text message to Jax letting him now he was gonna be there later than he had planned. Then he took Jessa to Clay and Gemma's house, and she let out a sigh of relief when she realized nobody was there. "You coming inside or are you gonna wait out here?" She asks Happy as she climbs off the bike and takes off the helmet. Happy climbs off as well. "Might as well come in with you," He says. Jessa nods and they walk up to the front door. After fishing her keys out of her purse, Jessa unlocks the door and they step inside. She leads him back to her bedroom and grabs the suitcase she'd brought from Oregon. As Jessa stood at the foot of her bed putting her clothes into the suitcase, Happy was looking around the room. The NSYNC and Backstreet Boys posters were still on the walls from when Jessa was in high school. She had photographs of her with JT, with Jax and with Tara. In the photo of her with her father, she was smiling brightly, her arms wrapped around his torso. Gemma had taken that photo about a year before her relationship with JT went up in flames. Jessa was twelve, Jax was thirteen. Happy had obviously never had the pleasure of meeting the great John Teller, but what he'd heard from other Sons and from Jessa, JT was a good man, a good father. Jessa and Jax don't know the truth about what really happened between Gemma and JT that set their relationship ablaze. And Gemma would go to her grave to ensure that they never found out.


Two updates in one night, go me!

This is just a filler, though :)


Obviously I've changed a couple details, ex. the season in which Hap patches into Redwood Original.

Anywho, thanks for reading!

-Braidyn <3

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