10: Craving

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Jessa woke up next to Tig in his bedroom. She sat up in the bed, stretching, before reaching over and shoving him off the edge of the bed, laughing hysterically when Tig sat up from the ground and glared at her. "Not funny," He says, pointing at her. Jessa simply shrugs her shoulders and jumps out of the bed, jogging out to the kitchen. "What do you want for breakfast?" She calls back to Tig, who comes out to the kitchen seconds later. "How about we make some chocolate chip pancakes like when you were a kid?" He asks her. Jessa smiles brightly and nods her head. She and Tig made themselves the pancakes and sat at the kitchen table eating. When they finished eating, they washed up the dishes and the second they were finished, Jessa heard her cell phone going off from her purse. Walking over to where she'd sat it the night before, she pulled it out and smiled when she saw Happy's name flashing on her screen. Tig glanced over her shoulder, smirking when he saw who was calling. Jessa shoved him back and put the phone up to her ear. "Hey, Hap," She could hear the rowdiness in the background, which meant he was down at the clubhouse. "Hey, where did you go last night?" Happy asks her. "Gemma said you never came home?" Jessa rolls her eyes. "I stayed with Tig last night," She says. Happy lets out a sigh. "You could've stayed with me. Why did you stay with Tig?" Jessa fought the urge to hang up on him. "Because I didn't feel like staying with my mom, so I stayed with Tig. What's the big deal, Hap?" He didn't answer, just hung up on her. Jessa scoffed and put her phone back into her purse. "Can you take me back to my mom's so I can change?" She asks Tig, who nods his head. Immediately they walked out the door and drove to Gemma and Clay's house. "Do you want met to wait?" Tig asks as Jessa climbs off the back of his bike. She shakes her head. "I'll get a ride with my mom," She says. "See you at the clubhouse," She quickly pecks his cheek before walking up to the front door and unlocking it. "Ma? You here?" She calls. "In the kitchen!" Gemma calls back. Jessa walks into the kitchen and hugs Gemma. "I stayed with Tig last night," She says, knowing Gemma was about to ask where she'd gone. Gemma nodded. "Are you gonna come with me to the clubhouse?" She asks. Jessa nods her head. "Yeah, just let me change," She says before walking back to her bedroom. She pulls out a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a loose black top. After changing her clothes and slipping on her white converse, she walks back out of her room and meets Gemma by the front door. "Ready?" Gemma asks her. Jessa nods and they walk out to Gemma's car.

~The Clubhouse~

Jessa walked into the clubhouse with Gemma and her eyes immediately diverted to Happy, who was standing by the bar talking to Tig. Instead of walking over to where Happy stood, she walked over to Chibs and sat down next to him on the couch. "Hap's pissed that you stayed with Tig last night," Chibs says to her. Jessa rolls her eyes. "I don't know why, I ain't his old lady," She says. Chibs chuckles and wraps an arm around her shoulders. "Maybe not, but you fucked him, so in his mind that makes you his girl," Jessa crosses her arms over her chest. She'd be lying if she said that she didn't want to be with Happy, but she knew how he was. She knew that he wasn't the 'relationship' type.

Jessa was snapped out of her thoughts by Chibs being replaced by Happy. "Are you here to apologize?" Jessa asks him. Happy raises an eyebrow at her. "Why would I apologize?" He questions. Jessa licks her lips and rolls her eyes. "Maybe for hanging up on me this morning? Or for getting pissed off at me for staying with Tig, even though where I sleep at night doesn't concern you?" Happy scoffed, and Jessa stood up to walk away, but he grabbed her hand and pulled her back down on the couch. "I'm sorry," He says, catching her completely off-guard. Happy Lowman was actually apologizing to her? Jessa sighs and leans over, pressing her lips against his. "Thank you," She says quietly. Happy nods and wraps his arms around her tightly, setting his head on top of hers. "For the record, where you sleep at night does concern me," He says. Jessa chuckles as she pulls back. "Let's go back to your room," Happy smirks at her and stands up, holding his hand out to her. It seemed as if every time they were together, they always ended up going to his room at the clubhouse.

Jessa and Happy snuck back into his room, and once inside Jessa locked the door. "I've been craving you these past couple days," Happy says to her. She smirks at him. "Oh, like you haven't been drowning in pussy up in Tacoma," Happy smirks back at her, pulling her into him. "Honestly, I haven't," He says. "Yours is the only one I've been fucking," Jessa couldn't help but smile, and for reasons he still hadn't quite figured out, every time Happy saw Jessa smile, it immediately put him in a good mood. He loved seeing her, well, happy. In the back of his mind, he knew he was falling hard for Jessa Teller, he just didn't want to accept that fact. Truth be told, he was scared of falling in love, scared of being tied down to one girl, but most of all, he was scared that if he allowed himself to fall for Jessa, something would happen to her. Whether that be she gets seriously hurt, or God forbid, killed, if anything happened to her, he would never forgive himself.


Another short one, sorry! But here's Chapter 10!

Fun fact, I was watching the Hagen-Daz commercial where they have the song that goes "Cause' I've got a serious craving for you" and that's how I came up with the title of this chapter LOL  

Thanks for reading!

Gossip Girl


Hahahaha I crack myself up. But for serious, thanks for reading!

-Braidyn <3

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