15: Mixed Emotions

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"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Happy snapped at Jessa. Jax and Tara had left with Abel no more than five minutes before the screaming match between Jessa and Happy began. "I was scared!" Jessa shouts. "You aren't the easiest person in the world to talk to, Hap!" Happy lets out a groan and sits on the couch, running his hand over his chin. "You're sure it's mine?" He questions. Jessa cocks an eyebrow, scoffing and shaking her head. "Fuck you," She spits, before turning on her heel and walking to the bedroom. "Shit, Jess," Happy follows her, closing the bedroom door behind him. "I didn't mean it like that, baby," He says, staring at Jessa, who had her back to him as she stood in front of the dresser. "If you don't want this kid, just tell me, and we'll both get the hell out of your life," She says quietly. Happy shakes his head, grabbing her arms and turning her around to face him. "Did I say I didn't want the kid?" He questions. Jessa licks her lips, looking away from him. "Well, judging by your reaction, it seems like you're pretty pissed," She says. "Do you hate me?" Happy sighs, wrapping his arms around her in a tight embrace. "Of course I don't hate you, Jess. I'm just-I never really pictured myself having kids,"  Jessa nodded her head. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you as soon as I found out," she says. "Like I said, I was scared," Happy nods his head in understanding. He knew he was an intimidating person, and that was putting it lightly. But the fact that Jessa was scared of him didn't sit well with him.


"Why would she tell you and not me?" Jax questions Tara back at their house. Tara cocks an eyebrow. "What's that supposed to mean?" She snaps. Jax sighs, running a hand over his face. "I didn't mean it like that, baby," He says. "I just mean, why didn't she come to me? I'm her brother," Tara sighs and rubs his shoulders.  "She was scared, actually, terrified that you would hate her," Jax sits up straight. "I would never hate her," he says. "She should know that! I'm her brother, for Christ's sakes!" Tara nods her head. "She knows that," she says. "Jessa is just not the most rational person in the world," Jax chuckles. "That'll be the death of her, I swear,"

-The Next Day-

"When are you gonna tell mom?" Jax asks Jessa. He's picked her up early that morning and they'd gone to the diner for breakfast. Jessa shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. It took everything in me to tell you and Hap," Jax nods his head. "Well, you gotta tell her soon, because you know she's gonna be pissed when she finds out you were pregnant after you have the kid,"


Sorry for making all of you wait so long! It honestly wasn't my intention to take so long to update!

Also, just an FYI, I wrote this entire chapter on my phone legit about twenty or so minutes before I have published it, so i apologize if it's kinda shitty!

But in any case, thank you for reading!

XOXO, Braidyn 💋

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