4: He's Coming

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Jessa ran into her step-father's arms as Jax trailed behind her with her cell phone in his hand. "What the hell is going on?" Clay questioned as he tried to calm the hysterical Jessa down. Jax shoved Jessa's phone into Clay's free hand and he read over the cryptic text message Jessa had received that morning. "I'm coming for you, bitch. You think you can just up and leave me like that?" Clay read out loud as he passed Jessa over to her mother, who'd come running into the clubhouse. "Shh, it's okay, baby, everything is going to be fine," Gemma ran her hand through her daughter's hair. "Just take deep breaths, okay?" Jessa did as she was told and managed to calm down. "He's not gonna hurt you, baby," Gemma says, pushing her hair behind her ear. "Jax and Clay won't let anything happen to you,"

~Earlier That Day~

Jessa woke up that morning in a better than usual mood. She got dressed in a pair of dark skinny jeans and a Pink Floyd t-shirt and then helped Gemma make breakfast. Then she ate breakfast with Gemma and Clay and retreated back to her bedroom to finish getting ready for the day. As she was sitting at her desk applying her makeup, she heard her cell phone go off from the bedside table. She got up and grabbed it, thinking it was just Tara texting her, but when she read over the words on the screen, her mouth dropped.

From: Blocked

I'm coming for you, bitch. You think you can just up and leave me like that?


"How in the hell did he get past the Oregon-California border?" Clay snarled into the phone as he spoke with the Oregon Charter leader. "I don't know, Clay. I've had my guys keeping their eyes peeled for this guy," He says. Clay scoffs and shakes his head before hanging up the phone. "Jessa can't go anywhere alone until we find this asshole," He says as he walks over to his wife and step-children. "There's no telling how long until he's knocking on our doors," Jessa sunk down onto one of the couches and Gemma immediately sat down beside her. "It's going to be okay, Jessa. Everything is going to be fine," Jessa knew that Clay, Jax and Gemma would never let anything happen to her. But she also knew what Jason was capable of.

~Later That Day~

"What the hell is going on?" Tig questions as he and Happy stood with Clay and Jax outside the clubhouse. "Jessa's husband made it past the Oregon-California border," Jax says. "It's only a matter of time before he's in Charming," Tig got a murderous look on his face. "He wouldn't dare set foot in this town," He snarls, causing Jax to shake his head and show him the text message. "He's coming. Something tells me Jessa didn't tell him much about her family," Clay says. "You're damn right I didn't tell him anything," Jessa says from behind them, causing all of their eyes to divert to her. "I didn't know he would be like this," She says. "Otherwise I would've made sure he knew exactly what would happen if he did anything," She looks down and licks her lips, shifting on her feet. "This is not your fault, Jessa," Tig says, stepping towards her and pulling her into him. "I know," She whispers. "It just feels like it is,"

Clay and Gemma took Jessa back to the house and Jax opted to come with them and spend the night there. He wanted to be around in case Jason somehow figured out exactly where Jessa was in Charming. "What did you do with Jessa's cell?" He asks Clay as they sat alone in the living room and Jessa and Gemma were making dinner in the kitchen. "I gave it to Juice," Clay responds, taking a sip of his beer. "If he is tracking the phone, he'll be walking in on a bunch of Sons who want him dead for messing with their Princess," Jax nods and takes a sip of his own beer. "I can't believe she didn't tell us," He says, shaking his head. Clay nods in agreement. "Jessa's a smart girl. She did what she had to do to survive,"

"Come on, boys! Dinner is ready!" Gemma calls as she and Jessa finish setting the table for dinner. They all sat at the table and ate in silence. After dinner was finished and the kitchen was cleaned up, Jessa went back into her bedroom and laid down on the bed, trying to unscramble her thoughts on everything that was going on. 'What if he finds me?' she thinks to herself before shaking her head. 'Clay and Jax won't let anything happen,' Jessa's thoughts were cut short by her mother opening the door. "Jess, there's someone here to see you," She says, before stepping away and being replaced by none other than David Hale. "David? What are you doing here?" Jessa asks, sitting up on her bed. David walks into the room and closes the door behind him. "Tara told me about what's going on," He says as he sits down beside Jessa on the bed. "I know Jax and Clay have it handled, but I just wanted to tell you that if you need anything, don't hesitate to call," Jessa smiles at her former friend and wraps her arms around his neck. "Thank you," She whispers before pulling back, all to quickly for David's liking. He opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by Jax bursting into the room. "Sorry, I just don't like the idea of my baby sister being alone in her bedroom with a guy," He snarls, sitting down right beside Jessa. David holds himself back from saying anything and stands up from the bed. "I'll see you around, Jessa," He says before walking out of the room. Jessa punches Jax in the chest once David was gone. "What the fuck was that?" She snaps. "We were just talking!" Jax grabs Jessa's hand. "I'm sorry, I just don't trust him," He says. Jessa scoffs and pulls her hand from Jax's grasp. "You know damn well that David would never do anything to hurt me!" She exclaims. Jax knew in the back of his mind that Jessa was right, but he just didn't want to trust David Hale, despite how he knew David felt about Jessa. "I'm only thinking about your safety, Jess, you know that," Jax says. Jessa lets out a sigh but still slowly nods her head. She wraps her arms around Jax's neck and buries her face in his chest. "Yeah, I know,"


I've just published a story for my fellow Juice lovers!
It's called "This Could Kill Me"
If you guys could go and check it out, that would be greatly appreciated!



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