3: He's Fucking Crazy

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Jessa entered the clubhouse and sat down beside Happy at the bar. "Thanks for going with the guys to look for Jason," She says to him, catching his attention. He turned his head and looked at her before sighing. "Yeah, but we didn't find him," He says. Jessa shakes her head. "It's the fact that you were willing to go up there and look for him anyway," She says. "And don't you dare say that you only went because Clay told you to. You and I both know damn well that Jax, Tig and Chibs could've handled it on their own." Happy chuckles quietly and finishes his beer. "Tig said I would like you," He says. Jessa smirks and raises an eyebrow. "Do you?" Happy smirks back at her and stands up, beginning to walk away. Jessa follows him. "Hey, where are you going?" She questions. "I'm walking away before this conversation gets weird," He says. Jessa throws her head back in laughter. Before she could respond, she was pulled aside by her best friend from high school, Tara Knowles. "Oh my gosh! Hey!" Jessa exclaims, embracing Tara in a tight hug. Tara chuckles. "Jax told me you were back a couple days ago, but I've kinda been busy," Tara says. "Sorry I couldn't come sooner," Jessa shakes her head. "Don't worry about it, Dr. Tara," She says, smirking. Tara laughs and shakes her head. "Wanna go for lunch?" Jessa smiles widely and nods her head. "Yeah, let me grab my wallet from my mom,"

Jessa and Tara ended up going to the small diner they used to go to with Jax and David in high school. "So many memories here," Tara comments as they sit down in their old booth. "Have you seen David at all?" Jessa slowly nods her head. "Yeah, he came by TM when I was coming back from the cemetery with Tig. Said we should have coffee or something sometime," She says. Tara raises an eyebrow as she looks over the menu. "Are you going to 'have coffee or something' with him?" She asks. Jessa shrugs her shoulders. "I don't know. I feel like Jax, Clay and my mom would kick my ass if I did," Tara chuckles. "So? If you wanna have coffee or something with David, then have coffee or something with David. It doesn't mean it's going to lead to anything, it's just two old friends catching up," She says. "Speaking of which, where have you been the past seven years?" Jessa sighs. "I've been up in Oregon with my soon-to-be ex-husband," She says. Tara reaches forward and takes Jessa's hand in hers. "Jax told me about him," She says. "I'm so sorry, Jess," Jessa shrugs her shoulders. "Whatever. It's done and over with now. I just want to move on with my life,"


Jessa got back to the clubhouse about an hour or so later and she was immediately greeted by Happy. "Where'd you go earlier?" He asks her. "I turned around and you were gone," Jessa chuckles and sets her purse down on the bar counter. "I went to lunch with Tara," She says. Happy nods his head and walks away. Jessa raises a confused eyebrow before shaking her head and sitting down at the bar, something she'd found herself doing every time she came inside the clubhouse. "What's his story?" Jessa asks Half-Sack, referring to Happy. Half-Sack chuckles as he wipes down the counter. "Hap? He's fucking crazy. Literally," He says. Jessa chuckles and rolls her eyes. "I don't see him around much," She says. Half-Sack nods. "That's because he's from the Tacoma Charter," He says. "But he comes down here a lot," Jessa raises an eyebrow. "How come?" She questions. Half-Sack shrugs his shoulders. "Hell if I know,"

A few hours later, Jessa was walking into the house with Gemma following behind her. "What do you want for dinner tonight?" Her mother asks her as she closes and locks the door behind them. "Uh, I'm kinda craving pizza to be honest," Jessa says. Gemma chuckles and grabs the phone from the coffee table. "Pizza it is then,"

After Gemma ordered the pizza, she and Jessa sat down in the living room on the couch. "So, what do you think of Happy?" Gemma asks her daughter, who raises a questioning eyebrow at her mother. "Why are you asking me that?" She questions. Gemma rolls her eyes and playfully shoves her. "I saw you two talking earlier. You guys are totally into each other!" Jessa chuckles and shakes her head. "Ma, today was the first time he and I have had a real conversation. And it didn't even last long," She says. "Besides, Half-Sack told me he's 'fucking crazy'," Gemma laughs hysterically at Jessa's comment about Happy. "Well, that's true, but, let's be honest, everybody in this town is a little crazy," There was no arguing there. You had to be just a little bit crazy to survive in Charming. "I don't know, ma. If something happens, then something happens. I'm not itching to get into another relationship just yet," Jessa says. "And Lord knows, Jax would kick my ass if I got involved with anybody in the club,"


Sorry for the super short chapter!
They will get progressively longer, I promise!

Braidyn <3

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