6: Black Lambo

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Author's Note: I've been picturing Jon Bernthal as Jason (Jessa's husband). What do you guys think? If you have any other ideas for who you think should play Jason, leave them in the comments!

~1 Week Later~

"What's wrong?" Kip asks her. "Something seems off about you today," Jessa shrugs her shoulders as she takes a bite of her omelette. "I don't know," She says. "Something just doesn't feel right." Kip sighs. "You're totally gonna shoot this idea down, but maybe you should call Happy?" He suggests. Jessa's eyes widen and she shakes her head. "I haven't seen him in over a week! He hasn't called me or anything. Fuck that asshole," She shakes her head and finishes eating. Jessa woke up that morning feeling like something wasn't right. Immediately upon waking up, she called Half-Sack and asked him to go to breakfast with her. "Hap's not good with his emotions," Kip says. "Just give him time. He'll come around," Jessa scoffs as she stands up from the booth and left a tip for the waitress. "Why am I having a hard time believing you?" They walk outside and head over to the car Jessa borrowed from Gemma. She tosses Kip the keys and climbs into the passenger's seat. "Just, trust me, alright?" Kip says, starting the car and pulling out of the diner parking lot.

"Where the hell were you two?" Jax snaps as Jessa and Kip walk into the clubhouse. "Calm your tits, bro. We went to breakfast," Jessa says to Jax, patting his shoulder as she passes him to go and join Tig at the pool table. "Hey, J," Tig says, ruffling her hair, causing her to scowl at him. "Thanks for fucking up my hair, Tig," She says, flattening it back down. Tig chuckles at her. "What's got you in such a pissy mood today?" He asks, leaning against the table beside her. She shrugs her shoulders, just like she'd done when Kip had basically asked her the same question. "Hey, guys?" Jessa and Tig both turn in the direction of Juice's voice, who was standing by the door of the clubhouse. "Some guy in a black Lambo just pulled up," Jessa's breath caught in her throat as everyone else walked towards where Juice was. "Who the hell is that?" Jax questions, eyeing the well-dressed man who'd gotten out of the Lamborghini.

"That's Jason," Jessa breathes after a few seconds of silence. Jax turns to look at his sister, his eyes widening before they turned into a scowl and he stormed out of the clubhouse. "No! Jax!" Jessa ran after her brother, following him outside, where she met the smirking face of her husband. Tig came running up behind her. "You got some nerve showing up here," Jax snarls as Tig wraps a protective arm around Jessa's shoulders and Chibs called Clay. Jessa was silently praying that David and Unser would show up. Jason glances around at all of the Sons surrounding him, and even though he was trying to hide it, there was a glint of fear in his eyes. "I've come to retrieve what's mine," He says, his eyes locking on Jessa, who was standing as close to Tig and Chibs as possible. "My sister ain't a piece of meat," Jax snarls. "Don't talk about her like that," Jason cocks an eyebrow, still smirking. "Oh, so you're the brother, huh?" He says menacingly. "Nice to finally meet you. I'm Jason Carter,"


I'm sorry this chapter is so damn short 😬
But I just had to get in a small update 😂
Thanks for reading!

Braidyn 😘

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