24: Let's Go For A Ride

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One of the things Jessa and Happy did when it was just them was go for a ride on his bike. Whether that be just around Charming, or going out of town and finding some swanky hotel.

Tonight, they chose the latter. Jessa had dropped Daxton off at Clay and Gemma's house, and she and Happy were getting ready to ride to wherever they would end up for the night.

"Get your sexy ass over here," Happy demands as he was sitting on his bike waiting for Jessa. She smirked at him and walked over, putting her helmet on her head before sliding into the bike behind him. She wrapped her arms around his waist, letting out a surprised gasp as the bike almost immediately started moving.

"Jesus Christ, you trying to get us killed?!" Jessa shouts to Happy as he sped down the deserted road. The only sound filling the area was the engine of his bike. Her grip on his waist tightened, and Happy smirked to himself, speeding up.


"Let's camp out here," Happy says, stopping his bike on the side of the road. Jessa raises an eyebrow. "Ha ha, very funny," She says. She didn't think he was actually serious until he was dragging her into the woods. "This is like a murder scene in every fucking horror movie," Jessa says. "How do I know you didn't bring me out here to kill me?" Happy smirks. "Trust me, if I wanted to kill you, you'd be six feet underground by now," Rolling her eyes, Jessa keeps following Happy. "And where to you propose we sleep tonight, hot shot?" She questions.

Jessa lets out a surprised gasp when Happy picks her up and shoves her against a tree. "I don't think we'll be doing much sleeping tonight," He growls, pressing his lips to hers. Jessa immediately brings her arms up and wraps them around his neck, deepening the kiss. "Ever been fucked in the woods before?" Happy whispers in her ear, sending chills down her spine. "There's a first time for everything," she whispers back.

As soon as Jessa said that, Happy made quick work of her clothes. Lord knows, Happy Lowman likes to get right to the point. Jessa let out another gasp as he entered her, and she quickly adjusted to his size. "Jesus, fuck, Hap," she moans, clinging onto him like her life depended on it. "Don't stop," He kept a steady pace, and within minutes they both came together.


Jessa woke up first the next day. She'd had her clothes back on now, but they were disheveled. Chuckling to herself, she stood up. After stretching and glancing around at her surroundings, she concluded that she was ready to go home, and nudged Happy with her foot. Immediately acting on reflex, Happy grabbed her ankle, causing her to scream in her surprise. He couldn't help but laugh at her as he stood up. "You fucking asshole!" She shouts, playfully punching his arm. Happy dusted himself off before picking Jessa up and throwing her over his shoulder. "Let's get going," he says, lightly slapping her ass. "I'm starving,"


They pulled up at a diner just outside of Oakland. "Christ, I didn't realize we were this far away," Jessa says as they walk inside. "Then again, this usually happens when we go for a ride,"

They sat down at a table, and because there was hardly anything on the menu and barely anybody in the diner, they were eating their breakfast pretty quickly. "Not that last night wasn't fun, but next time I'd much prefer having an actual bed to sleep on instead of dirt and rocks," Jessa says, taking a bite of her pancakes. Happy smirks. "What, you didn't like getting fucked against a tree?" Jessa laughs, shaking her head. "I said it was fun, didn't I?"

~Later That Day, Back In Charming~

"Sounds like you and Happy had a pretty fun time last night," Gemma says to her daughter, who was now sitting on the floor of her house playing with Daxton and Abel. "Oh, we most definitely did," she says, earning a smirk from her mother. "We slept in the fucking woods last night," Gemma raises an eyebrow. "What? In like a tent or something?" Jessa shakes her head. "No. We literally slept in the woods. On the ground, no blankets or anything," she explains. "It was fun and all, but I prefer my bed,"


As requested by @DarthMaul345 here is a semi-longer chapter with my rendition of a Happy and Jessa smut scene! Honestly, this chapter is officially my favorite! So, I hope you all like it!

As always, thanks for reading!


PS: I really, truly am working on making the chapters longer, next one will be a longer one, promise! I called this one semi-longer because I wrote over 750 words as opposed to the typical 500 😂😂 in any case, you all can expect some longer ones soon, very very soon!

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