2: Welcome Back

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Jessa sat alone in her old bedroom in Clay and Gemma's house, thinking about the events that have transpired in her life throughout the past seven years. Marrying Jason, getting trapped in Oregon, finally escaping the one night Jason let his guard down. She was snapped out of her thoughts by a knock on her door. She stands up and opens it, revealing Jax. She steps aside and he walks in. She closes the door and sits down beside him on the edge of the bed. "Welcome back," She breathes, her and Jax both chuckling. "We didn't kill him," He tells her. "We couldn't even find him, but I've got the Oregon Charter on the lookout. He won't hurt you anymore, Jessa," Jessa sighed and leaned her head on her brother's shoulder. "Thank you," She whispers, feeling him press a kiss to the top of her head. "Come to the clubhouse. Tig's dying to see you," Jessa sighs again but nods her head, reaching down to the floor and pulling on her black converse. "Let's go," She follows Jax outside and over to his bike, where he hands her a helmet and she climbs on behind him.

They arrived at the clubhouse moments later and Jessa walked with Jax inside. She was immediately greeted by Tig, who wrapped his arms around her in a tight embrace. "I will not let that asshole hurt you anymore," He tells her. She nods her head, burying her face in his chest to try and stop the tears from falling from her eyes. Tig just tightened his grip on her and locked eyes with Happy, who'd just walked into the clubhouse and immediately saw Jessa wrapped up in Tig's arms. "She OK?" Happy asks Jax as he sits down beside him at the bar. Jax shrugs his shoulders. "She's as okay as she can be, considering the circumstances," He says. "I just can't believe she didn't call me or Clay or Tig so she could get out of there," Shaking his head, he takes a swig of his beer just as Clay walks in. "Did you take care of Jessa's husband?" He asks his step-son, who shakes his head. "We couldn't find him," He says. "The Oregon Charter is on the lookout though," Clay nods and sits down in the seat Happy had just vacated. "We've gotta do everything we can to protect her from this asshole," He says. Jax nods in agreement, his eyes locking on his baby sister, who was now laughing with Tig and Chibs. "I love my sister more than anything else in this world," Jax says. "I won't ever let anything happen to her,"

-Later That Day-

"Hey Tiggy?" Jessa's voice catches Tig's attention immediately and he turns to face her. "Yeah baby?" She comes to a stop right in front of him. "Can you take me to the cemetery?" She asks him. "I wanna go see my dad," Nodding, Tig grabs her hand and they walk over to his bike. He hands her a helmet and she fastens it on her head before climbing onto the bike and wrapping her arms around Tig's torso. "Hold on tight, baby," He says as he starts up the bike and drives out of the TM parking lot.

Moments later they are at the cemetery. Jessa climbs off the bike and hands Tig the helmet before walking off in the direction of John Teller's grave, Tig staying back and keeping an eye on her from a distance. He knew she needed alone time with her dad, but he also didn't want to let anything happen to her.

Jessa knelt down in front of her father's gravestone and immediately felt tears pricking her eyes. "Hey, daddy," She says quietly, running her hands over her father's name and the words "We fight because we believe". "I miss you so much," She whispers, letting the tears fall freely from her eyes. "I wish you were here to hold me and tell me everything is going to be okay." Tig silently walked up behind her but said nothing, listening to the one-sided conversation Jessa was having. "I know Jax will protect me. But sometimes a girl just needs her father," Listening to Jessa speak broke Tig's heart. Jessa was close with her father, it completely shattered her heart when he died. Tig knelt down beside her and caught her attention, his heart breaking even more when he saw her tear-stained cheeks. "It's okay, Jess. He's not going to let anything happen to you," Tig wraps his arms around Jessa and pulls her into him, allowing her to cry into his chest and soak his shirt with her tears. He didn't care. He knew Jessa had been holding in her emotions for so long and she needed to let them out. "I miss him," She said in a strained voice. "I miss him so much it hurts," Tig kisses the top of her head. "I know, baby. I miss him too,"

Back at the clubhouse, Jax was standing outside TM with Opie when David Hale drove up and parked his car. "I heard Jessa was back in town," He says as he walks over to Jax and Opie, who give him dirty looks. "Yeah, she is," Jax says. "What of it?" David shifts on his feet. "I just, wanted to come and see her," He says. Jax scoffs. "Yeah, well she ain't here right now," He snaps. "She's with Tig," David licks his lips and bites his tongue to keep himself from saying anything he would regret later. He opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by the sound of Tig's bike pulling into the lot. He turns around to look and his lips form a small smile when his eyes set on Jessa Teller, his high school crush. "Hi, David," Jessa says as she walks up. She gives him a quick hug before standing beside Jax, who immediately wraps an arm around her shoulders. "Hey, Jessa. I heard you were back in town, thought I'd come and say hi," David says. Jessa smiles at him. "Well, it's nice to see you David, but I've gotta head back to the house with my mom," She says. "We should catch up, go grab a coffee or lunch or something," David nods his head. "Yeah, we should," He says. Jessa smiles one last time at him before walking over to Gemma, who was impatiently waiting for her daughter by her car. "What was that about?" She asks, nodding towards David. Jessa chuckles and gets into the passenger's seat. "Just old friends saying hello,"


Author's Note:

So sorry I haven't updated! I honestly didn't think anybody would read this 😅
I'm also sorry that this chapter is so short and kinda shitty but...
I will update as often as I can though, promise!

Make sure you leave me some comments, add this book to your library or reading lists or whatever (I'm still kinda new to Wattpad so I don't know everything... Yet)

Braidyn 💕

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