25: Unconditional

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Happy groaned as Daxton's cries filled his ears. "It's you're turn," a half asleep Jessa mumbled, burying her face in the pillow. Happy rolled his eyes and got up from the bed, trudging over to Daxton's crib. He picked him up, and carried him out to the kitchen, having realized Daxton was most likely just hungry.

Over the past couple of days, Jessa had shown Happy how to just simply keep Daxton alive, if she were to ever leave them alone together for a long period of time.

While balancing Daxton on one arm, Happy quickly made a bottle for him and sat down at the kitchen table. "Here you go, little dude," he says, silently thanking God when Daxton took the bottle.

Unbeknownst to Happy, Jessa had appeared in the doorway, and wore a bright smile as she watched them. "My boys," she finally spoke, walking into the kitchen. She pressed a kiss to Daxton's forehead and another to Happy's lips. "You're getting good at this," Happy watched as Jessa crossed the kitchen and got herself a cup of coffee. "What do you want for breakfast?" She asks. Happy shrugs his shoulders, bringing his focus back to his son. Jessa rolls her eyes. "Eggs it is then,"


"I'll see you two later," Happy says as he walks to the front door. "Jesus, this feels like we're on fucking Roseanne or something. Have a good day at work, honey!" Jessa says, making both herself and Happy laugh.

Jessa sighed as she heard the rumble of Happy's bike. "It's just you and me now, baby boy," she says down to Daxton, who was laying on the floor completely enticed by the mobile that hung above him.


Later that day, Jessa was playing with Daxton on the living room floor when she heard an unexpected knock on the door. She looked through the peephole and saw that it was just Tig. Jessa smiled and opened the door. Tig hugged her tightly after stepping inside. "Where's my godson?" He asks, smiling when he saw the toothless grin of Daxton, who was still lying on the floor. "Hey buddy," Tig says quietly, sitting down on the floor beside Daxton. Jessa chuckled when Daxton's tiny hand gripped Tig's index finger.


Tig watched from the doorway as Jessa put an asleep Daxton in his crib. "Hap should be here soon," She says as they walk into the kitchen. "Are you staying for dinner?" Tig nods. "Sure," he says, grabbing a beer from the fridge. He sat down at the kitchen table and watched as Jessa grabbed the phone off the counter. "Pizza sound good?" Tig simply nods in response. Right after Jessa finished ordering, the front door opened, and Happy shouted "Honey, I'm home!" Tig burst out laughing, and Happy walked into the kitchen. "Hey, brother," He says, pressing a kiss to Jessa's lips. "You staying for dinner?" Jessa and Tig exchange glances, both laughing. "I literally just asked him the same thing," Jessa says. Happy nods. "What's for dinner, babe?" He asks her. "I just ordered a pizza," She responds. Happy nods and begins walking to the bedroom. "Be quiet!" Jessa says. "Dax is asleep,"

Happy walked into the bedroom and looked down at Daxton. He reached in the crib and gently ran his thumb over Daxton's hand. "I love you, buddy," he whispers.

Happy never knew what it felt like to love something - or in this case someone - truly unconditionally until Jessa had Daxton. Now, Happy had a reason to be alive. He had a beautiful girlfriend and an amazing son to come home to every day, and he wouldn't trade them away for anything. He loved Daxton and Jessa more than anything else in this entire world, and he would do absolutely anything to protect them.


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