17: Better Than Me

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It felt strange to Happy not having Jessa next to him as he laid in bed, staring up at the ceiling. He was kicking himself for his reaction to her telling him that she's pregnant. He'd never experienced these sorts of feelings before, which is why he was so reluctant to give into the fact that he had serious feelings for her, and he'd be lying if he didn't feel a slight tinge of pride knowing that she was carrying his child. 

Suddenly, Happy jumped up from his bed and quickly through on his shoes and cut before walking out the front door and climbing onto his bike. He raced to Gemma and Clay's and furiously knocked on the front door. "Jesus, what the hell, Hap?" Jessa snaps as she opens the door. "I need to talk to you," Happy says to her. Jessa sighs, stepping out and closing the door behind her. "What is it?" She questions. Happy sighs, shifting on his feet. "I need you to just listen to me for a second," He says. Jessa nods and they sit down on the steps. "I'm sorry for losing my shit when you told me," He starts, looking down and fiddling with his hands. "And I know you deserve way better than me - you both do - but regardless of where we stand, I want to be in this kid's life, I want to be a father," 

Jessa was glad that Happy was finally opening up to her and sharing how he felt. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and slowly Happy hugged her back. "I completely understand why you reacted that way, but thank you for apologizing. I know it's hard for you to do that," She says. Happy nods, pressing his lips to hers. "Please come home," He pleads. "I can't sleep without you," Smiling, Jessa nods her head, and the two of them stand up. "Let's go home," 


Jessa was glad that Happy just wanted to sleep that night. As they climbed into bed, Happy immediately wrapped his possessive arms around Jessa's waist, setting a hand directly on her stomach underneath her shirt, rubbing slow circles. "Stop worrying," Jessa says to him. "You're going to be a great father," She couldn't see his face, but she didn't need to to know that he was psyching himself out, already questioning himself. Telling himself that he wasn't cut out to be a good father. But Jessa saying that helped reassure him. 

-The Next Morning-

"Was that you banging on my front door last night?" Clay asks Happy as they both climb off of their bikes. Happy chuckles, nodding his head. "Sorry, Prez. Had to get my girl back," Clay smirks at him, clapping him on the back. "So that's why Jessa wasn't home this morning," He says. "I take it you two already worked everything out?" Happy slowly nods his head. "I'm processing everything," He says. "But I think I'm ready to be a father," Clay nods, smiling at Happy. "I'm glad to hear that," He says. "Jax and the girls were worried," 

Happy was still attempting to gather his emotions and go back to his normal self, but Clay mentioning how his reaction had made Jax, Jessa, Tara and Gemma all have mixed feelings about the situation caused his emotions to stir, and he began questioning himself again.


"So he just showed up at the house last night, and actually talked to you?" Tara questioned as she and Jessa sat in her office at St. Thomas. Jessa nodded her head. "It's completely out of character for Happy, but I'm not complaining," She says, making Tara chuckle. "At least he's finally opening up, and he actually wants to be a father," She says. Jessa smiles. "I don't want him to change, though. He wouldn't be the same if he wasn't The Killa," 

Jessa and Tara had been best friends in high school, and Jessa liked to take the credit for her getting together with Jax the first time around. While Jessa was pining over the older Hale brother, Jacob, and David was playing the role of the friend-zoned guy, Jax and Tara were busy falling in love, although neither of them realized it then. 

"Have you told Hale the news?" Tara questions, causing Jessa to raise an eyebrow. "Which one? Douchebag or deputy?" Tara laughs loudly. "Deputy," She clarifies, and Jessa sighs, shaking her head. "No, I haven't," She says. "None of the guys want me to talk to him," Tara rolls her eyes. "It's not like you're ratting out the club, and even if you were, there's nothing Hale could do. He was your best friend in high school, Jess, and he clearly still has feelings for you. Don't you wanna spare him the pain of finding out from douchebag and just tell him yourself?" Jessa nodded her head, knowing that Tara was right. "Yeah, you're right, Tara. I'm gonna go down to the station and see if he'll go have lunch with me," Standing up, Jessa grabbed her purse and hugged Tara. "I'll see you later, Tara," 


Welp, Happy opened up and is ready to be a dad, and now Jessa's gonna go tell David about the pregnancy. We shall see what happens ;)

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