"Barry?" We all asked anxiously after a moment of silence.

"Oh, that felt weird. Oh. I'm good." Barry assured sounding out of breath. "It's okay. I'm okay."


Barry walked into the Cortex with a huge smile on his face as both of his father walked beside him. I smiled as I walked towards them but instead of heading towards Barry's open arms I hugged his father. "It's nice seeing you again Henry."

"It's lovely seeing you too Diane." Henry replied as I pulled away from the hug taking a step back. Barry stood beside me as he placed his hand at the small of my back causing Henry to smile. "And I see that you two finally came around.

"Yeah, we did." Barry said as he placed as kiss on my cheek.

"I don't know if I'll ever get used to that." Cisco commented as he walked towards the three of us.

"Wow. Half of this stuff didn't even exist when I was practicing." Henry said in awe as he walked further into the Cortex.

"Yeah, well, I'd be happy to give you a crash course on all of it if you get out." Cisco said with a smile that slowly faded away one he realized what he said. "I'm gonna shut up now."

"It's okay." Henry assured as Barry slowly walked away. I watched as he walked towards where his suit was displayed deep in thought.

"Dr. Allen?" Caitlin said insecurely as she walked towards us. "I'm feeling the need to give you a hug."

"Absolutely. I will always accept a hug." Henry replied as he gave Caitlin a quick hug. "Thank you."

Henry looked around for Barry and when he saw him standing in front of the suit he smiled as he walked towards his son. The rest of us just watched their father and son interaction knowing it wouldn't last long because Henry would have to return to Iron Heights soon. "Wow. You gotta tell me. What does it feel like when you're running down the street like a bat out of hell?"

"There's no feeling like it." Barry replied with a forced smile.

"I bet. Actually, you're all heroes in my book, especially you, Dr. Wells." Henry said as he turned towards Wells and extend his hand with gratitude. "Thank you for everything that you've done for my son."

"Well, your son is an extraordinary man, Dr. Allen, and I will do everything in my power to ensure Barry's future." Wells assured as they shook hands, and I began to bit my lips nervously looking at Barry's hateful glances towards Dr. Wells.

Henry gave Wells another grateful nod before he turned towards Joe extending his wrists. "It's time, Joe."

"No." Joe replied.

"No? Okay." Henry repeated with slight surprised as he and Joe head out of the Cortex.

"Your father is an extraordinary man." Dr. Wells told Barry and I felt as Barry tensed up beside me. "You're lucky to have him."

"I'm lucky to have you too." Barry replied with a fake smile as he intertwined his fingers with mine. We both walked out of the Cortex, once we walked out of the building Barry stopped in the middle of the parking lot and turned towards me. "Joe and I agreed on something that you probably won't like."

I gave him a questioning look as I crossed my arms across my chest. "What?"


"Are you sure telling him is a good idea?" I asked Joe as we walked into Barry's lab later that night.

"Yes, its the only way to continue to keep Iris out of this." He replied sternly.

"Okay." I agreed as I sat on top of the desk. "One more question. Is it really necessary for Barry to make a big entrance?"

Joe chuckled as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Nope, but you know Barry."

"Hey, Joe. Desk Sergeant said you were looking for me." Eddie said as he rushed into the lab. "Diane how are you?"

"I'm good." I replied with as smile.

"Eddie, yeah. Uh Sit down." Joe ordered as he pulled out a chair, Eddie looked at the both of us cautiously before he sat down. "It's about Iris. She's looking into Mason Bridge's disappearance. We can't let that happen."

A second later The Flash appeared in the center of the room causing Eddie to gasp in surprise. "Detective." He said as he slowly pulled off his mask. Eddie was left speechless as he looked at Barry with wide eyes.

"Eddie, we need your help." Joe declared as Eddie slowly turned around to face us still in shock. We spent the last couple of minutes telling Eddie everything that he needed to know in order to help us. "Keeping her in the dark, it's for her safety."

"That is debatable, and we will have that debate. But for right now, what's our next move?" Eddied asked clearly not fully satisfied with our agreement. "How do we figure out what Wells is up to?"

"When Wells was talking me through phasing so I could get the Trickster's bomb off my wrist, the way that he described my being The Flash, running, feeling the wind and the power, it's like he was talking from experience." Barry explained with a pensive look on his face.

"What are you saying?" I asked, and although I knew what he meant I couldn't wrap my mind around the fact because thing just didn't add up.

"I don't know how but he's the man in yellow." Barry stated without any hesitation. "Harrison Wells is the Reverse-Flash."


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