XXXlV {34}

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One Month Later.

"Every Luna wears a traditional dress. Harry has it from his Mother when she wore it at her ceremony." Haven tells me and I nod, a smile on my face.

"What colour is it?" I ask, the fascination with this dress egging me on.

"Black. A Luna's ceremony dress is always black. But, you won't just be becoming a Luna, you will be becoming a Queen as well." She smirks and I take a deep breath, nerves picking at my stomach. The door opens and Harry walks in. I smile at him and he smiles back.

"Ladies." He says and kisses my lips gently. Haven nods in his direction. "What are we talking about?" He asks and Haven smiles.

"The Luna dress." She says and Harry nods, his eyes lighting up.

"Ah, yes. Come, Luna. I wish to show you something." He says and takes my hand, excusing us from Haven. I follow Harry through the castle like a obeying puppy. We reach the library and I frown. Harry takes out a key and opens a door in the corner of the library. He gestures me inside and I sigh and take a step into the room. A light is switched on and I gasp with what I see in front of me.

Jewels, gowns, pictures, gold. Every girls dream room. I looked around the room, my eyes wondering over every single item in the room, not leaving anything unseen. "This is the Luna's room. It's given to every Luna after her ceremony. Do you like it?" Harry asks and I turn to him.

"It's beautiful. A Luna must be highly respected." I say, nodding to myself. I feel Harry's arms around my waist and his lips on my neck.

"An Alpha would hand away his title for his Luna. He would kill for her, even if it meant killing himself." Harry mutters and I nod, closing my eyes. "Now, for the best part." Harry says and his body leaves mine as he goes over to an old looking closet. He opens it and takes out a dress. Not just any dress, the Luna dress.

It was absolutely breathtaking.

It was absolutely breathtaking

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"It's so beautiful. Am I even worthy enough to wear it?" I ask, staring at the dress in awe. Harry's jaw clenched and his eyes turned a golden yellow.

"Don't ever think like that! This dress is no where near worthy enough to sit on your beautiful shoulders

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"Don't ever think like that! This dress is no where near worthy enough to sit on your beautiful shoulders. Understand?" He says and I nod, tears filling my eyes. He sighs and places the dress back, pulling something else out. "This is the Queen and Luna's tiara. This will be placed on your head tomorrow afternoon." Harry says and hands me the tiara. I gasp when I feel a spark hit my hand. Harry grins. "Only true Luna's feel that spark." He says and I smile as I look down at the tiara in my hands.

" He says and I smile as I look down at the tiara in my hands

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I hand it back to him and he places it back into the closet.

"I'm hungry." I say and he nods, taking my hand and leading me from the room, locking it up afterwards. He hands me the key and I smile and tuck it into my pocket and drag Harry out of the library.

We get into the car and our driver takes the wheel.

"Where to, Alpha?" He asks and Harry looks at me.

"Nando's." I smile and the driver nods, a smile on his face.

"As you wish, Luna." He says and starts the car, driving off.

" He says and starts the car, driving off

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Luna? I could get used to this.

I can't believe that in 15 hours, I will be Queen and Luna of the werewolf Kingdom. It's so weird to think of how my life was a year ago. I continued brushing out my damp hair when Harry entered the bedroom. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Are you excited for tomorrow?" He asks and I nod. I look at the key sitting on my dressing table and pick it up, placing it into one of the draws connected to my vanity.

"I can't wait. I'll be Luna. Queen. I couldn't be happier." I say and Harry smiles, sitting down next to me.

"Can I confess something?" He asks and I nod, turning to him. "I had dreams about you. When I was little. The Moon Goddess would come to me and promise me a mate. The most special mate any Alpha and Super wolf have ever had. She showed me you." He says and I smile, tears filling my eyes as I leaned forward and connected our lips.





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