XXXlll {33}

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Numb. I felt numb. Is numb a feeling? If it isn't, I couldn't give a feeling or emotion right now. Hurt? Upset? Angry? Broken? Confused? Numb?

I hadn't realised that I was, once again, crying until the water hit my hand. I closed my eyes, hoping that when I opened them again, this would have been a horrible dream.

But, no.

When I opened my eyes, they came face to face with Harry's sad ones. I sigh and move away from him, not wanting his pity or, anyone's.

"Baby. Please, come and eat something. I can't stand seeing you like this." Harry pleads to me and I turn to him. A smile makes it's way onto my face as I lean forward and cup his cheek with my hand.

"You're the one and only thing that's true in my life right now. There's no lies. Only truth." I say, the smile still on my face. He smiles and leans forward, pressing a delicate kiss to my lips. "I'll come down and eat. One pitiful look and I'm right back up here." I warn Harry and he nods, smiling as I take his hand and get up from the bed.

We walk hand in hand down the stairs and into the kitchen.

We walk hand in hand down the stairs and into the kitchen

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Everyone turns to look at me when I walk in. I look to Haven, who sent me a genuine smile.

"It's about time! I was starting to think that I'd have to put mouse traps on your food to stop people nicking it." Liam laughs and the others followed after. I smiled and sat down beside Harry and started to eat my food.

My knuckles made contact with the familiar wood as I waited. The door opened and Mu- Bernadette stood behind it. She looked surprised that I was here.

I held up the letter and she sighed, her eyes now filled with sadness.

"You better come in, sweetie." She says and moves to the side. I walked through the door, immediately seeing Jared and Adrian sitting on the sofa. I walked into the living room and sat down opposite them. I didn't dare meet their eyes, knowing the pity that they hold within them.

"You want answers. We can give them to you." Bernadette says and I nod.

"Your real Father was my Brother, Henry. When we were kids, a witch and a werewolf being together was forbidden. Henry and I didn't care. I loved Bernadette just as he loved your Mother, Arabella. Unfortunately, Arabella fell pregnant. The head werewolf at the time, Daniel Styles, had your parents captured.

The day before they were... Executed, you were born. Des Styles, Harry's Father, got you far away from the cells and brought you here. When your Grandmother found out what happened, she cast a spell, killing Daniel and Harry's parents." Jared explains and I gasp.

"Why did Harry try to kill me?" I question and he sighs.

"His Mother and Father were killed by witches. It despises Harry that his mate is a witch." He says and I sigh.

"Harry's parents were killed by my Grandmother?" I ask and they nod.

"From that day, we raised you as our own." Bernadette says and I sigh.

"Why the secrets? Why the lies?" I ask and they sigh.

"We didn't want to hurt you. We wanted you to have a normal childhood." Bernadette says.

"I've been seeing him. My Father, Henry. I've been seeing him." I say and they frown, looking at each other.

"What do you mean?" Jared asks and I shrug.

"My episodes. When I black out, I see him. I've also seen Heckatay. I have yet to see my Mother, though." I say and they smile.

My head starts to hurt and I fall to the floor, my vision cutting off, my mind leaving my body.

I open my eyes and see them. My parents. Arabella and Henry. They start walking over to me with smiles on their faces. I frown when they reach me.

"You've grown so beautifully." Arabella says and I look between them.

"Sweetie, we have to go, but, we'll see you very soon. We just had to see you and tell you something." Henry says and I nod and look at him. "You're in danger." He says and before I could ask any questions, they were gone and I was floating back to my body.

"Are you okay?" Adrian asks as he helps me up. I shake my head as I stare at them.

"No, I'm not."





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