XXlll {23}

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"I don't care! I want double protection on your future Queen! If anything happens to her, you can kiss your heads goodbye!" I awake to Harry shouting at someone. I frown as my eyes land on a shirtless Harry standing by the door. That's when I saw that he was yelling at two guards. He slams the door in their faces and I jump.

"Harry?" I say softly and he turns to me, the anger melting away from his face. "Are you okay?" I ask as I sit up, using the duvet to cover my chest. He nods and makes his way over to me.

"We had a break in early this morning. They went straight for this room. Luckily, there were guards outside of the room. Unfortunately, they lost their lives while protecting us." He says and I sigh.

"There are going to be more people after me now that we have completed the mating ritual." I say and Harry nods, laying his head on my lap.

"Don't worry. They won't harm a hair on your head." He says and I nod, looking over at the time.

"Let's get dressed. School starts in an hour." I say and Harry groans, falling back onto the sheets.

"Hey! You're supposed to be a big bad King. Act like one." I giggle and he huffs, standing up and leaving my bedroom, not before kissing my lips gently.

"Thank you for your participation today, Mr Styles." Our Biology teacher tells Harry and he nods, a small smile on his lips.

"What are you doing after school?" Harry asks and I smile and grab his arm as we walk to my locker.

"My parents want to have a family dinner with me and Adrian. It'll be good to spend time with them." I smile and he nods.

"That's good. I'll be wolfed up tonight anyway." He says and I nod, closing my locker door.

"Bella!" I turn to see Haven and Harper making their way over to us. I smile at them as they near us.

"Hi, girls. Is everything okay?" I ask and they nod eagerly, shoving a flyer at me. It had Senior Prom! across the front and pictures of prom dresses and tuxedos. I nod and hand the flyer back to them. They frown as they stare at me.

"You're not excited about this? I mean, I know that you have things going on at the moment, but, give it a minute!" Haven says and I nod.

"I'll think about it." I say as I make my way into the canteen, with Harry and the girls following behind me.

"Harry, tell her that she's being crazy! She's needs to go to prom!" Haven says and Harry nods.

"I'd hate to gang up on you, babe, but, you can't miss out on your prom." Harry says to me as I line up in the lunch que. I sigh as I grab a tray.

"I said, I'll think about it!" I snap as the boys enter the canteen.

"Think about what?" Liam asks and I sigh as I pick up a sandwhich.

"Bella doesn't know if she's going to the prom." Harper says and Niall gasps.

"You have to go! The food, the drinks. It'll be wild!" Niall exclaims and Haven nods.

"Yeah... That's the spirit." She says and I smile and grab a drink before going over to pay for my lunch. After paying, I sit down at our regular table and nod.

"Okay, okay, fine. If it will get you all off of my back." I say and they smile, happy with my decision.

Now that I know what a good idea it was to not have friends back in London.


"Is Bella going to be okay while we are wolfed up tonight?" Liam asks me and I nod, placing the box of chains on the table.

"Yeah, she's going to dinner with her family. That's good, too because I was getting worried that she was neglecting them. Anything on Drake?" I ask and Louis sniggers.

"He's still trying to figure out how Bella escaped when she had guards watching her." He says and I smirk.

"Unless he figures out that she's a relative of Heckatay and has her powers, we'll be fine." I say and the boys nod. The girls enter the room and smile at us.

"Lock up time, boys." Haven says and we nod, following them over to the cells.

Here we go.





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