To Fall

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"Lilliana, you really shouldn't look at Niall or Harry. You've been in private school for ages! They are dangerous." Mary whispered, pulling Lilliana towards their first class of the day.

"They are gorgeous. How could they possibly be dangerous?!" Lilliana retorted rolling her eyes as she allowed her friend to drag her to class.

"They are the gang leaders of One Direction, Lil, the most notorious and influential gang in all of London." Mary responded with a shaky voice.

"That gang that has all the connections and runs this city is run by two boys my own age? Surely you are mistaken!" Lilliana hissed back while sitting in a seat.

Mary shook her head and her eyes widened when she noticed who entered the room. Speak of the Devil and he shall appear. Niall Horan and Harry Styles strolled into the literature course. Who knew the two most feared gang leaders would be in advance British Literature? 

Lilliana watched her friend's expression and immediately darted her eyes to the front of the class where the devils themselves stood. They were dressed well and did not look like they were in a gang but then again they both had this air about them. Lilliana attempted to avert her gaze when Niall looked right into her brown eyes as he strolled towards her. 

Mary gasped slightly when she realized that Harry and Niall's path lined up with the two desks behind herself and Lilliana. She wanted the ground to open up to swallow her whole. This was not a good sign, Lilliana would be in severe trouble.

"You must be the transfer student. Lilliana, right? You've a beautiful name to fit for such a beautiful face. I'm Niall, Niall Horan. I look forward to seeing more of you, gorgeous." Niall said as he stopped in front of Lilliana's desk.

"You're right and pleasure to make your acquaintance, Niall." Lilliana replied with a steady voice which not only surprised her but also Mary. 

Niall seemed pleased by her answer as dimpled grin took over his angelic face. He nodded to Harry and they both took their seats behind Mary and Lilliana. Mary breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at Lilliana, maybe they weren't as bad as they were made out to be. Even gang leaders can be decent people, couldn't they? 

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