Chapter Thirteen

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My phone rings.

"What the hell, Annabelle?"

"What is it?"

"You didn't go to my mathletes game? Aren't you allowed to go off campus on the weekends?"

"Yes.. I'm sorry..."

"You better be! My leg is healing and I'm happy! I'm popular, I have good grades, I'm cooking more, and you... your terrible to me!"

"No I'm not!"

"Yes you are! You missed my mathletes, you haven't visited me once, and you never call me! I'm always calling you!"

"Maybe your just clingy! If your always mad then stop calling me you... you... hypocrite!"

"Annabelle Manchester..."

I hear her breathing heavily.

"Who are you...?"

She hangs up.

I'm me, you dumbass.

"I'm sorry, Annabelle." Kate says, as Allison twiddled with her fingers. "It's fine..." I mutter. "I'm gonna dye my hair now..." Allison mumbles, as me and Kate look at each other and giggle.

"Are you okay?" Kate asks, "to be honest with you Kate, Jessie meant so much to me and now she's with the perfect best friend. I should of co-"

"I don't get it..."

"What don't you get?"

"It's just that... I thought your the perfect best friend."

We look at each other. The sun beats down on her face which makes her pink hair glisten. "Let's go to school Annabelle." She says, "yeah." I respond.

Once we get to school, I go to my locker. No, our locker time isn't thirty minutes. It's thirty seconds. I hear a voice, "hi." "Who are you?" I ask, "I'm the boy at the pond. Remember?" He says, "ugh. Stop mentioning that!" I groan, as he laughs. "What? That you bumped into me?" He smirks, "funny. Real funny." Then the bell rings. Yes, that's how much time we get.

Everyone rushes to class.

What was that?

I go to class and I can't stop thinking about that boy. No, he's not in my homeroom. Yes, my love life sucks. Wait... I'm in love with Jason! What's wrong with me? I'm a terrible girlfriend!

Then I get a sticky-note. It says 'Jason is asking if he could be Ash.' And it's from Allison. I look over and I pull out a fake smile, she smiles back at me. Her dark hair mocks me. I don't think Allison is doing anything wrong but I'll just talk to her later okay?

Once class is over I walk over to that guy. "What's your name anyways?" I ask, "it's Conor. Why do you have a crush on me?" He teases, "we aren't in grade school!" I groan, "okay fine. I'll see you at the party in a week." He says.

I'll see you too.

Then Jason walks over to me with a girl. "Are you going to be Dawn for Halloween?" He asks, "yeah!" I gush. "This is Angie. We met the other day, at the lake and she does gymnastics. I saw her doing handstands on the rock! Almost like it was a movie." He boasts, "I also do meditation!" She exclaims, "cool! We should hang out sometime!" I say, "see you around." He says, as Angie waves goodbye to me.

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