Chapter Six

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I pick up the phone.

"Who's this? I got a wrong number..."

"This isn't Jessie... who's this?"

"Hannah. I'm good friends with Jessie."

"Where's Jessie?"



"In her hospital bed? I was just calling room service. Who are you anyway?"

"Annabelle Manchester. Jessie's best friend. Why?"

"Nothing... just making sure."

"It's nice to meet you then. I'm glad Jessie made some friends."

"Yeah, I'm gonna go. I think room service is late with Jessie's soup so I'm going to hang up. Bye."


Me and my friends look at each other. "It's gonna be alright Annabelle." Allison says, "yeah." Kate adds.

I wake up to Kate screaming, "wake up!" In my ear. Allison is sitting in the vanity and shes... dying her hair purple... "morning Annabelle!" Allison chirps, and holds up three cups of Starbucks.

We all drink Starbucks and get dressed and ready for school. "Ugh! It's the first day that we have to actually do schoolwork!" Allison groans, "what's your schedules?" Kate ask, "here's mine." I say.

Name: Annabelle Manchester

Homeroom: Ms. Smith
Period 1: Math
Period 2: English
Period 3: Algebra
Period 4: Math
Period 6: Choir
Period 7: Spanish
Period 8: Social Studies

"We have choir together... and homeroom... and english... and... that's it..." Allison says slowly, "we have homeroom together... and Math together... and I have Spanish with Allison..." Kate says, "cool! We have some classes together!" I cheer. "We should seriously get to class." Allison says, then everything is silent, then we all run out the door.

I head to homeroom with Allison and Kate.

"Okay class! So today we're doing a small worksheet just to start out the year! Not too much pressure!" Mr. Smith announces, as he passes out a... packet?! He passes it to me...

Okay I gotta be honest! What does this mean? This is homeroom right? Why are we doing math? Ugh! Why is this so hard? I never learned this before! Why? All of these questions flash through my head as my face turns bright red.

"Okay class! One more minute to work on the worksheet!" Mr. Smith announces.

That doesn't help...

I'm so bored! What am-


Kate..? Suddenly I see a sticky note on my desk
It says that Jason is in our class. I look over and I see his dark brown hair and his pencil moving on the paper. I smile.
"Have you been passing notes?" Mr. Smith asks in astonishment, "n-no I promise!" I stutter, "why don't you read this to the class? Know what? I will!" He says, as he grabs the sticky note out of my hand.

My dark blue eyes are about to fill with tears... my face is turning red...

"Hey! You let go of that note!" A familiar voice snaps, my head faces upward. It's Allison. "Yeah! You meanie! Leave my friend alone!" Kate yells. Allison runs over, grabs the sticky note, rips it into pieces, and throws it into the trash. "You girls are in big trouble!" Mr. Smith yells, "me too then." I say. "Detention for all three of you girls! Now!" He stammered, "okay." Allison says. The class gasps. "Okay? You think this is okay?" Mr. Smith asks aggressively, "it's fine." Kate says.

The three of us walk out of the classroom together.

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