Chapter Eleven

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I wake up with Allison and Kate. "Morning..." Kate yawns, "ugh! School..." Allison groans. Once we all get ready and I give Sniffles her food, we open the door but then my phone rings.

"Hey Annabelle! How's it going?"

"Who's this?"

"It's your mom!"

"Oh, hi!"

"I gave you a package! A friend for Sniffles."


"How's Sniffles? The new environment must be hard for her."

"She's fine. She usually spends her day at home though."

"That's amazing! I'm glad she's okay. I hope you like the present! Bye! I love you!"

"Love you too."

She hangs up. Then I hear a knock on my door. I walk over and see the mailman with a cage in his hands. "Is this Allison Manchester?" He asks, "yes." I say, "your parents sent you this." He says, handing me the cage. "Thank you!" I cheer, as he walks off.

I place the bed on the cage and open it as Allison and Kate watch over my shoulder. The cage opens and out comes out a cute teacup Pomeranian with white and tan fur! Kate starts screaming as she pets it and Allison... well... she's Allison... I grab the puppy and hold it. I place her down next to Sniffles. The puppy runs in circles around the room, smiling. "OMG it's so cute!" Kate squeals, shoving the dog and Sniffles together. "What's a good name?" Allison asks, "Lulu!" I say, picking her up. "We are kind of late for class..." Allison says, as we all look at each other and run.

After school we teach all of our pets, some awesome tricks! I realized that in the daylight, Sniffles looks white and at night she looks tan. I get a text message.

????: hey, it's Jason! What's up? Wanna hang out tonight?

Me: sure!

Jason: okay cool! Seeya there!

"I have a date with Jason..." I sigh, grabbing my jacket. "Okay bye... we will take care of Lulu." Kate sighs, "yeah." Allison assures me. "Thanks guys." I say, walking out the door.

I can do this.

I walk to the courtyard and find the campfire. Everyone has something to talk about. "I got you a bracelet." Jason cheers, handing me a pearl bracelet. "Thanks!" I chirp, grabbing it. Jason looks straight at me in the eye now. "Your so pretty tonight Annabelle." He says.

Is this the one..? It can't be...

"Thanks." I gush. changing the subject I say, "so... how's your room doing? I mean, is it neat? Do you like it?" "It's fine." He says. There's an awkward pause in that moment as we both just look at each other.

That night we don't talk. Everyone else is, just not us. After that, he asks to talk to me in private again as his friends tease him. "There's a school dance for Halloween..." his voice trails off, "what is it?" I ask, "wanna go with me?" He asks.

Aw jeez... what do I even say?

"Sure!" I cheer, as he jumps up and down.

What have I done?

The lake glistens, my date is set in stone, I don't know if I'm in love with my boyfriend, my best friend is in the hospital and I can't visit, I have two pets now, I have three best friends now including Jessie, Jessie has a new best friend with a perfect life, my teachers hate me, and guess what? I'm in boarding school and there's no place I'd rather be.

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