Chapter Three

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"Anna... I have to go... am I going to be okay? And please don't lie this time..."

No... don't cry please!

"Your in good hands. Its gonna be okay."

"Bye Anna."

Then I hear the beep as It mocks me. I slowly put the phone down onto my desk. "Annabelle..."
Kate mutters, I look behind me and I see Allison slowly shutting the door. "How was your night out?" I asked, "it was fine." Allison says, she goes into her bed and stares at the wall the other way.

"Are you okay?"

We turn around. Was that Allison?

"I said... a-are you okay?"

"I'm not." I murmur, "it's going to be okay." Allison says in a comforting voice, me and Kate are in shock. Allison gets under her covers and drifts asleep. Me and Kate are in still shock...

after a large moment of silence Kate says, "tomorrow I might dye my hair with the hair dye I brought! Sounds fun right?" Then I reply, "yeah! It sounds fun!" Kate then mumbles, "what is Jessie like?" I look up at her and respond, "she is amazing. She's funny, she's an amazing cook! She made my parents amazing stuffed peppers...!" We talked for hours and fell asleep around midnight.

The next day I woke up at nine O' clock. And saw Kate and Allison in front of our vanity and Allison was dying Kate's hair...? "Morning..." I said as I rubbed my eyes, "Allison is making my hair a really pretty rose gold color!" Kate cheered, "actually, I dyed my own hair!" Allison cheered, "I'm gonna get dressed." I tell them, "okay." Kate chirps.

I walk into the beautiful walk-in closet. Clothes everywhere organized into two different sides and one large space is left for my clothes. I grab some of my clothes out of my bag and hang them up. I grab a new dress and put it on for the festival today then my phone rings. I pick up the phone.

"Oh! hi Annabelle! I just wanted to say hello."

"Hi Jessie! Is your leg okay?"

"Yeah... I guess so? The doctors say that I'll be alright so that's a good sign!"

"I'm so glad your alright! I was so worried!"

"Yeah me too!"

"I have a really fun festival today! I might do my hair in a really fun style what should I do with it?"

"Hmm... maybe a high ponytail?"

"Perfect! I can always count on you! I'm so glad your alright! By the way... who's that person that got into that crash with you?"

"Oh... her names Hannah... she's actually our age and she's going to our school this year. She's new."

"Oh cool..."

"She's sort of my only friend I guess!"

"Cool... what's she like?"

"She's a really good cook like me! She's really good at knitting and she makes amazing scarves!"

"That's awesome."

"I gotta go. I have to eat."



The phone beeps.

Gosh I hate that beep.

I put on a sleeveless white shirt with some shorts and walk outside of the closet.

"My hairs pink!" Kate says as her smile lights up the room, (again) Allison laughs. "Do you wanna do anything with your hair Annabelle?" Allison ask, "do you know how to do a high ponytail?" I ask, "my specialty!" She chuckles.

Once she's done, I look in the mirror. "I love it!" I tell her.

"I'm gonna choose an outfit!" Kate says,"hmm... I recommend a light pink!" I say, "Your right!" Kate squeals, "I'm gonna wear something black." Allison says in a monotone voice, as Kate rummages through her side of the closet. "Hmm what about... this!!" Kate says with energy. Kate pulls out a sleeveless, glossy, light pink, dress. She puts in a light pink rose on a bun and she's ready to go.

"Hmm I might do this shirt with these jeans..." Allison murmurs, "yeah that's cute! What about this charm bracelet? It's a nice pink color I found it in your-" Allison cut her off right there. Allison is now beginning to turn red. "No effing way you creep." She mumbles. "Okay..." Kate says, backing away slowly.
Allison decided to let her hair down and wear a black polyester T-shirt with some ripped jeans.

"Yay! We're a squad!" Kate squeals, Allison hits her. "Never ever say that again, you hear me?" Allison yells, Kate starts to giggle. I think we're ready. Heh.

We finally arrive to the festival after failing to find the courtyard maybe eleven times... then the festival begins!

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