Braids (Sam)

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After a long and pretty brutal hunt, you and Sam headed back to the motel while Dean went out. You and Sam were gonna go with him, but both of you were covered in blood and guts and gross stuff. 

So once you two made your way back to the motel you stepped in and threw your stuff on the couch. "Dibs on the shower." You called out. 

"No fair." Sam huffed as you threw him smile. 

Once in the bathroom you went to turn on the shower, but it just sputtered, and nothing came out. You tried again and again, and still nothing. "Shit." You grumbled. 

There was a knock on the door. "Something wrong?" He asked through the wood of the door. 

"The shower isn't working." You yelled back and you tried the sink, and it worked. "We're gonna have to clean in the sink." Sam grumbled as you grabbed a towel and instantly started to wet and and wipe yourself down. Soon you were all clean expect for your hair. "Sam!" You said unlocking the door only wrapped in a towel. He walked in and averted his gaze from your barely covered body. 

"What?" He asked swallowing and keep his gaze on your face alone. 

"I need help cleaning my hair. There are chunks of zombie meat still in my hair, and I need help because I can't see my hair." You sighed. 

"Umm, sure," You bent over the sink and held your head under the faucet as Sam put shampoo in his hands and started rubbing your scalp. You made sure to hold the towel in place, and once he was done you wrapped up your hair. 

"Okay, I'll get changed, and you get cleaned up and I'll come back and then help you do your hair." You said. 

"I think I can handle it." He said with a small smile. 

"Whatever you say." You walked out, and Sam closed the door behind you. You got dressed, and just as you were finishing up you heard Sam called from the bathroom. 

"Y/N!" He called opening up the door him only dressed in a towel around waist. Just like how Sam swallowed when he saw you in a towel, you did the same because you saw his toned body. 

"Thought you didn't need help, Sammy?" You asked smugly. 

"Come on Y/N, I can feel the zombie flesh festering on my head." He said. 

"Okay, hold on." You walked into the bathroom as you pulled a chair behind you. You pushed Sam down onto the chair, and he laid his head on the sink. You got to work, and you ran your fingers through his luscious hair. "I always wanted to run my fingers through your hair, this isn't how I picture it." You said not sure where that came from. 

Sam looked up at you with confused eyes, "How did you picture it?" He asked. 

"Nevermind." You said lifting up your hands and letting him stand up. "Get dressed." 

As you walked out, Sam followed, and you kept your face away from him as he changed, and once he was done you turned back around to see the shaggy haired boy, and an idea came into your head. "What?" Sam asked. 

"You know, I've always wanted to do something else." You smirked walking towards Sam. Once you were next to him, you pushed him down on a chair once more, and you stood behind him. 

"What are you doing?" He asked. 

"Braiding your hair." You said taking some of his hair and you started braiding it neatly. Soon you had about 10 different braids in his head, and he looked like funny and you started giggling. 

Sam stood up and looked in the mirror, and he started at you blankly as you tried to stifle the laughter, but in the end you couldn't, and you just burst into full on laughter. "Really?" He asked giving you a deadpanned look. 

"I'm sorry, but this is great." You grabbed your phone and you went to go take a picture. "Hold still." 

"Oh, no you don't." Sam said running at you reaching for the phone, but you ran around the motel snapping pictures trying to get a good one, and then finally Sam caught up with you, and tackled you onto one of the beds. "Give me the phone." 

"No, these pictures are gold, you'll have to kill me first." You snickered burying the phone in your bra so that Sam would have to grope you to get the phone. Sam then straddled you and pinned your arms above your head and stared down at you. 

You both stared intently into each others eyes, and Sam slowly started to lean closer to you, finally your faces were only centimeters apart, and just as his lips were about to touch yours, you peered open your eyes to stare into his, but instead you saw his braided hair dangling, and you burst into giggles again. 

Sam sat back up and got off you as you laid on the bed still laughing like a manic and clutching your stomach. "I'm sorry, you just look so funny." Sam gave you another glare, and went to walk out, but you stood up grabbed him. "I'm sorry," You turned him around, and you got on your tip toes and planted your lips on his. After you pulled away you stared into his eyes. "That's also what I've been meaning to do for the longest time." 

"Me too." He smiled. 

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