Sammy Dies (Sam)

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You hike through the forest as fast as you could, you, Dean, and Bobby were hiking to the haunted town that Sam was in. "Slow down, Y/N" Bobby yelled after you. 

"We have to get there, now!" You yelled. 

"Nothing going to happen to him, it's not like getting there a few minutes earlier will change anything." Bobby said. 

"Shut up and run old man." You said giving a small joke, but Bobby just shot you a glare. 

Finally you saw the buildings, and you went into a full sprint with Dean right by your side. "SAM!" You yelled, and Dean followed suit. "SAM!" 

You ran into the dark town, and you looked ahead to see Sam standing there. "Sam!" You smiled seeing him, but just as you were about to run up to him, you saw a dark skinned man run up behind him holding a knife. "SAM!" Dean yelled, but it was too late, the man stabbed Sam right through the back. 

You nearly fell over with shock as Sam fell to the ground. Dean ran up to Sam, but you were filled with anger, boiling anger. As Dean fell beside Sam, you ran off after the man who stabbed him. 

Now, you weren't much of a long distance running, but you were a better sprinting then either Sam and Dean, and so with all the adrenaline you could muster, you sprinted off. 

Grasping the knife in your hand, you soon caught up with the man. He turned and looked at you with shock, I guess he wasn't expecting a girl to catch him. Taking your knife, you chucked it as hard as you could right at him. The knife sailed, but to your discontent, the knife only pierced his arm. 

He yelled in pain, but instead of stopping, he sprinted and ran off. Unfortunately you didn't have anymore weapons, so you couldn't go after him, so you ran back to Sam and Dean.

However, just as you reached them Dean was holding a limp Sam in his arms with Dean rolling down his cheeks. "No," You whispered. You fell down next to Dean and the now dead Sam. Dean released his grasp on Sam, and you cradled his head. "Sam, please, don't go." 


You sat in the chair beside the bed that held the dead Sam. You sat there emotionless as you held his cold hand. Bobby walked in carrying food, and he said something, but you couldn't hear what. Dean started yelling, and then Bobby left. 

Dean walked in, and he pulled up another chair. Dean grabbed your empty hand, and squeezed it hard, but you were numb to the pain. "I'm sorry Sammy," Dean started. "I tried to protect you, I made it my soul job to protect you, and I failed." 

"We both did." You chocked back. 

Finally you were filled with so much anger, that you stood up. "Where are you going?" Dean asked. 

"Give me the keys to the Impala," You hissed. 

"Why?" He asked. 

"Give me the keys." Dean must have seen how serious you were, because he threw you the keys, and you went off. 


Once you reached the crossroad, you opened the trunk and started putting the right ingredients to summon a crossroads demon. You took the box, and dug a hole in the dirt and then buried it. 

You waited for demon, but after a while when no demon showed you started to get really angry. "Show your damn demon face!" You yelled. 

"No need to be hostile." You turned to see a sexy man walking up to you, his eyes were red, letting you know it worked. "Beautiful Y/N, I was wondering when you would summon me, so tell me, this is about your dearly departed Sam, isn't it?" 

"Bring him back." You cried. "Bring him back, and you can take my soul back in 10, just bring him back!" 

He hissed. "You see I can't do that." He said. 

"Why not?" You said grabbing him by the collar. 

"Because, bringing Sam back to life is going to cost you more then your soul, in 10 years." He cooed in your ear. 

"Nine year" He shook his head. "Eight?" He still shook his head. "Five?!" 

"Nope," He said. "I'm sorry, but you're out of luck." 

"Is there any deal you can give me that will bring him back!" You said shaking. 

He smirked, and he strutted up to you, until he was only inches away. "One year. I'll bring Sam back, and in one year I'll take your soul." You hesitated. "Ah, I see you're not sure, I see you're life is worth-" 

Before he could continue talking you grabbed his face, and kissed him hard. Once you were done, you pulled back, and with a smirk the demon disappeared. 


You drove back to the where Dean and Sam were the fastest you could. Once you parked the car, you ran inside to see Dean and Sam hugging. A smile spread across your face. They both turned to look at you. Dean looked silently terrified, and he mouthed 'What did you do?', but you just gave a small smile. 

"Sorry, I had to do something." You ran at Sam and barreled him into a hug, you fought back tears as you held him tight. "Glad to see you up." 

"Yeah, I guess Jake missed, and then Bobby patched me up." Sam said. 

You looked over Sam's shoulder and mouth 'thank you' to Dean. 


Once Sam went into the other room to get some food, Dean grabbed you and held your arms. "What did you do?" When you didn't answer he read your face. "You made a deal?" 

"I had too, if I didn't Sam would still be dead." 

"Why didn't you let me do it?" 

"Because, he needs you more then he needs me." 

He was silent. "How long did they give you?" 

You sighed. "One year." 

"A year!" Dean hissed loudly making you shush him. "Are you insane?" 

"I would have done it for less, Dean you don't understand, I couldn't let him die. If that means suffering in hell for eternity, then so be it." Just when Dean was about to turn, you grabbed him, "Please don't tell Sammy." 

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