Not So Different (Sam)

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Once you stepped out of the taxi you looked at your father's junkyard. It had been nearly five years since you had last seen your father, and you had no idea why you were back, you just had a feeling you had to see him.

Walking down the dirt path you passed by a bunch of run down cars, well that was until you saw a beautiful looking black Chevy Impala, and for some reason the car seemed to be familiar but you couldn't pin point it.

Finally you saw the house you grew up in. It was just as sad looking as you remembered. Ever since your mother had died the house had started to go to shambles. You always resented your father for making you grow up hunting monsters, that was until a couple of days ago.

Walking up the steps you sighed and raised your fist, and with one last breath you knocked. Your feet tapped on the porch until the door swung open, but instead of seeing your father, you saw a tall muscular handsome shaggy haired man. Just like the impala, his eyes seemed familiar.

"Hello?" He said breaking you from you daze.

"Uh, yes, is Bobby Singer here?" You asked not breaking from his gaze

"Are you a hunter?" He asked.

"Not exactly." You admitted.

"Sam who is it?!" You perked up hearing you father's voice. He appeared behind Sam, and as soon as he met your eyes he froze. "Y/N." He said in whisper.

With a smile, you shrugged. "Hi, Dad." He pushed past Sam and pulled you into a hug, and you could feel him shaking like he was crying. He stroked your back, and not letting go.

Finally another man showed up in your sight, and he was tall just not nearly as tall as the Sam, and he was just as attractive as Sam. "Bobby who is it?"

Your Dad pulled back and tears were brimming his eyes as he stroked your cheek. "Sam, Dean, meet Y/N, my daughter." He said.

"Wait Y/N/N?" Dean said.

"Sam and Dean Winchester?" You said remembering the names now. That's when you started remembering back to when you were little and you playing with little Sammy while Dean watched over you. But the men in front of you looked nothing like they did back then.

Bobby pulled you into the house, and you looked around to see it a mess. Books were everywhere, weapons scattered, and it looked like it hadn't been dusted in years. "You can definitely tell this is a Hunter's house." You said as the door shut behind you.

"No offense, Y/N, but..." You turned to see your Dad holding a shot glass of water.

"I'm not a demon." You said, but you knew he wouldn't let up, so you took the shot glass and downed it and handed it back. "Satisfied?" But in his other hand he held a silver blade. "I'm not a skin changer either." But you took the knife and cut a thin line on your arm. "We good now?"

Your Dad took the knife and pulled you into another hug. "Why are you here?" You started to shake because you started to remember what brought you here in the first place. Your Dad pulled back and looked into your scared face. "Sweetheart, what is it?"

"Daddy," You said in a near whisper. "Something's after me, I think it's demons."


As soon as you told your Dad that he instantly pulled you downstairs, into the basement, and he put you in some sort of bunker that was impregnable by any monster, even demons.

"You can't go alone?" You said as your Dad finished asking you questions. "They'll kill you!"

"He's not going alone, sweetheart." Dean said. However, your Dad glared at Dean, probably for calling you sweetheart. "Sorry, Bobby."

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