Save Me (Sam)

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You hung from the cliff with only your one hand grasped tightly onto a branch. "Help!" You screamed hoping and praying someone would hear you. 

You had been hiking in the woods and something had been chasing you and somehow it had chased you off the cliff and you had only managed to hold on.

"Help. Please someone anyone!" You cried as tears spilled down your face. Your grasp loosened and you were about to fall when all of a sudden someone grabbed onto your wrist.

You looked up to see a beautifully handsome dude holding onto your wrist. He strained and his face was full of concentration as if to make sure you didn't fall. "I got you. Don't worry. Just hold on."

You nodded and grabbed his wrist tighter. He strained and pulled you up until you were finally on the ground. You and your mystery savior were breathing heavily. "You okay?" He asked looking over at you.

"Not really. But thank you for saving me. Thank you so much." You said shaking.

"No problem." He smiled. "I'm Sam by the way."

"Y/N" you answered back.

"Pleasure saving you." That made you laugh. 

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