God's Sister

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You weren't sure who you were, or where you were, all you had was a name. Winchester. You wandered through an empty field following your senses. Whatever this feeling was, was telling you to go somewhere, and you were getting closer. Wherever that was. 

Finally you appeared upon a odd rundown building, and you stopped. "Hello?" You asked wondering if anyone could hear you. "Is anyone there?" There was nothing, so you tried to turn to leave, but something inside of you was making you stay, so you sat down on the ground and waited. 

After who knows how long, you started to hear the sound of a low rumble, and you glanced up to see a black vehicle coming towards you. Once it was close enough, you stood up and cocked your head to see two men sitting in the car.

When they saw you, the car stopped, and the two men got out of the car pointing their guns at you. "Who are you?" The taller one asked. 

"I don't know." You said. 

"A better question is what are you?" The blonde one asked. 

"I couldn't tell you that either, I don't have any memories." You said innocently. The two boys lowered their guns and the blonde one walked towards you making you step back scared. 

"We won't hurt you, not unless you're a monster." He said pulling out a flask and then splashing water on you, and when nothing happened he handed you a knife and you touched the blade and still nothing. "You're not a monster or a demon. You could be an angel." 

"I don't think so," You said. "That doesn't feel right." 

"So what brought you here?" The tall one asked. 

"Something inside of me was guiding me here, and the word Winchester, does that mean anything to the two of you?" You asked. 

The two stared at each other, until the tall one spoke again. "That's our last name. I'm Sam Winchester, and this is my brother Dean." He said. "So you don't remember anything?" You shook your head


You spent months with the brothers, with them watching over you. Looking only 15 you stayed in the Bunker most of the time, but sometimes you went with them on an easy case just so that you could interact with the world and maybe hopefully get your memory back, but nothing. 

Since you didn't remember your name you ended up calling yourself Y/N because that was the first name you happened upon and you thought it was beautiful, and the two brothers pretty much ending up adopting you as their younger sister. You weren't sure who put their name in your head, but you were grateful they did because by the end of the first couple of days you were already in love with the two boys. 

After the fourth month of being with them they decided to take you on a werewolf case. You rode in shotgun because Dean kicked Sammy to the back because you rocked out to Kansas with him and Sam didn't. Once you arrived at the place, you took the couch because neither Sam or Dean would fit on it. 

Even though they took you along they still wouldn't let you go with them on the hunt. So while they were busy you were stuck in the motel watching TV, which you really enjoyed. But just as you were about to start a new episode of Friends you had a really bad feeling that something was wrong with your brothers, so doing what felt right, you followed your sense. 

You wandered your way into the forest where the boys said they were going to be. You kept trying to call them on your cellphone, but nothing. The more you walked the stronger the sense got, until you finally stumbled upon an old beat up cabin. 

"Sam? Dean?" You called out as you stepped into the cabin. "Are you in here?" But as soon as you looked around you saw them. Both of them were tied up to a pillar with Sam knocked out cold, and Dean staring at three men who were showing their fangs. 

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