Characters (Dean)

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Walking into the comic store it was your typical gig. Sam and Dean started asking the questions to the store owner, and you started wandering around, and then you came back to them. "You guys are larping aren't you?" He asked looking between the three of you.

"Larping?" You asked confused. "What the hell is larping?"

"Live action role playing." He said. "You three are acting like those three characters from that series of books called Supernatural. What were their names? The two dudes I don't remember, but the chick's name was Y/N. You know you kind of look like how she's described, but you are hotter in person"

"Where are those books?" You asked.


You sat on the bed reading the book about Bloody Mary while Dean read the one about the hook man on the other bed, and Sam sat by the window. "These books are a story of our life. Who the hell is this Carver Edlund?" Dean asked.

"I don't know, but I have a bone to pick with him." You said. "He went into so much detail about some of my personal thoughts. So with that being said I am going to burn every copy of Bloody Mary. Starting with this one." I that book you went in to a lot of detail about how hot you thought Dean looked and how you were jealous he was paying so much attention to that one chick he was trying to protect.

"Why, what does it say?" Dean asked reaching for the book. You slapped his hand away. "That bad huh, well as long as you don't read this one." That just made you super curious.

"Well, we can start out going to the publisher, they have to know something." Sam asked.


"I love Supernatural." Said the publisher lady. "I was so sad when we went bankrupt and we had to stop printing these amazing books."

"Yes, well we are very sad too." You said trying to hide your sarcasm. "I mean we are huge fans, and we were wondering if you could tell us where Carver Edlund lives, we want to show him how big of fans we actually are."

"I'm sorry, but Mr. Edlund is very private." She said sitting down.

"But we have to see him, you don't understand we are huge fans." Sam said pulling down his shirt collar just a bit to reveal his anti possession tattoo. He looked to us, and Dean pulled down his collar to reveal the tattoo, and you sighed and lifted up your shirt to reveal the tattoo on your hip. "Really big fans."

"Oh my god, you have them too." She stood up and pulled down her pants to reveal the same tattoo on her ass. "Okay, well, I guess I can tell you."


You three approached the house. Turns out Carver Edlund was a pseudo name, his real name was Chuck Shurley. You lead the pack and pounded on the door.

The door opened up to show a short bearded man. "Are you Chuck Shurley, the same Chuck Shurley that wrote the Supernatural books?" You asked.

"Yes," He said kinda shakily.

"My name is Y/N and this is Sam and Dean, and we have bone to pick with you." You pushed yourself inside.

"Those characters aren't real. I made them up." Chuck said.

"No you didn't," Dean said angrily. "You have been writing about our lives. How the hell are you doing that?"

"I don't know what you are talking about. If this is some sort of Stephen King thing then please don't kill me." He said.

"We are not some characters in a book, we are real people." Sam said.

"No," Chuck said over and over.

"My name is Y/N Y/L/N and this is Sam and Dean Winchester. We are real people. I mean don't we look like how you described your characters?" You said.

"I never told anyone the last names." Chuck said finally realizing it. He nearly fell over. "I'm a god!"

"You are not a god, but you might be psychic." Sam suggested.

"The things I put you through. I'm a terrible god. Sam the whole thing with the demon blood. And Dean going through hell. And you Y/N the heartbreak and-"

"Woah!" You cut him off. "They don't need to know the details."

Chuck stopped and finally looked at you. "You know I always pictured of meeting you in person Y/N." He said. "I was so fond of your character. I could always picture you so vividly in my head, and now that you are standing in my living room all I can say is I didn't do your character justice."

"Woah buddy, she's not for oogling at." Dean said stepping between you too. "Now we need to figure out what the hell is going on."

Just then you heard a flap of wings, and you turned to see Cas. "You can not touch him Dean." He said. "He is a prophet of the Lord."

And with that Chuck fainted.

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