Cage Keeper (Adam)

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You sat in heaven looking down at the your three brothers. Lucifer and Michael were close to fighting, and Cas was coming in to stop them. You loved all three of your brothers, and you couldn't bare to watch them crash and burn, but what hurt you most was seeing the poor humans they were controlling. 

Sam Winchester and Adam Milligan. You especially had a soft spot for Adam because you were the one who brought him back from the dead so that he could serve the purpose of being Michael's vessel, but you soon regretted it, the poor boy just wanted to see him mother. 

As soon as Michael and Lucifer feel into the cage, you instantly went into a depression. Being one of the few Archangel's left made you start to miss your fellow Archangels. Finally you had had enough of being alone, so you decided to make the passage to the cage to retrieve Michael your eldest brother. 

As soon as you reached the cage you saw that Sam was missing, but Adam was still there with your two fighting brothers. When they saw you, they went to the cage door and started banging on it for you to let them out because not only were you an Archangel, but the key holder to the cage. 

"Y/N!" Lucifer yelled causing you flinch. "Let me out!" 

"Listen to your older brothers, and let us out." Michael yelled too. 

"No," You hissed. "This isn't what father wanted, so I'm gonna let you two stay in here until you can learn to see father's true plan." You looked to Adam who looked hurt. "But I'm not leaving alone." 

Since you were the key holder to the cage you turned the key, and Adam instantly appeared on the outside of the cage. You touched him on the shoulder and both of you were transported back to Earth to a hospital where you had put Adam. As he laid in the bed, you stroked his cheek and put all your power into his mind so that he could forget what happened in the cage. 

However, using that much power drained you, it drained you so much you were left powerless for days. However, in those days, Raphael and Cas started to war against each other, and they were both gunning for you, trying to get you to join them, but you were done with angels. Your only mission now was making sure Adam got healthy. 

After the second week of being with Adam in the hospital, he started to awake. When he finally opened his eyes he sat up quickly. "Hey," You said grabbing his hand. "You're okay." 

He looked over at you. "Where am I?" He asked. "I was just falling into the cage." 

"You're okay, you're safe." You said. "I got you out." 

He glanced over you. "Who are you?" He asked. 

"My name is Y/N the Archangel, the key holder to the cage. I pulled you out of hell, and wiped your memories so that you can't remember the cage." 

"You're an Archangel?" He asked pushing away from you. 

"I'm not like my brothers. They think they are doing our father's work, but I know otherwise, our father's work is to protect the humans, and that's what I did, I saved you from the worst kind of hell. Please don't be scared." 

"I don't believe you, if you're job was to protect human's who are you possessing you right now?" He asked. 

"An orphan named Krissy, she wanted this, trust me." You said. "Now, how are you feeling?" 


Another day passed with Adam not really trusting you, but just as you were about to leave him be you saw angel's stalking outside the hospital. Just as you were about to zip down beside them, the leader came up to you. "Raphael." You growled seeing your brother that you always despised. "What do you want?" 

"You, my dear sister." He said. "You and me are the only Archangels left, and if you join me against Castiel we can rule heaven together." 

"Father doesn't want us pitted against each other. I will not fight our brothers and sisters." You hissed. "Now leave me be." 

"You see this isn't a choice." He said. "Or did you forget the rules our father gave you when he gave you that key." Your heart sank remembering back to it. "You are to hold the key not let anyone in or out, but that boy over there is proof that you broke that rule." 

"He didn't deserve to be in there." You said. "He was forced to go in there, I was just correcting the mistake our brothers made." 

"That doesn't matter, you have two choices." He said his face slowly inches towards yours. "Join me, and I'll let this slide and I'll let that little ape of yours live, or you throw him back in the cage and continue being a free agent." 

You sighed. "No, I have another choice." You said reaching into your chest and pulling out your grace. Your screams echoed throughout the halls, until you finally had your grace in your hands. Raphael looked down at you shocked at what you did. "I may be cursed to be a human now, but that means I can now choose where I put my grace." 

Before Raphael could do anything you stood up, and ran over to Adam who was watching the whole thing speechless, and without asking, you shoved the grace into his chest, and bright lights started to shine, and you shut your eyes blocking out the light so you wouldn't go blind, and when the light was gone, you peered open to see Adam standing there and Raphael was gone. 

Adam was staring over at you with a look of confusion in his eyes. "What just happened?" He asked. 

"I put my grace in you." You said. "That sounded weirder than I meant it too. I'm sorry, but I had no other choice, it was either give my grace to Raphael or to put it in you." 

"So what does this mean?" He asked.

"It means you are an Archangel, and I am now human." You sighed. 

"But you could have thrown me back in the cage, why did you choose to get rid of your grace?" He asked.

"Because I couldn't let a human suffer for something they weren't meant to suffer through. The cage was meant for angels, not mortals. It's what my father would have wanted me to do." You said morbidly. Even though it was your duty to protect the humans, it still hurt knowing you were no longer an angel. "Besides my life is now in deaths way." 

"What do you mean?" He asked. 

"I mean, now that I'm human, it means that Raphael is going to be after me." You sighed. "He's not gonna stop till I'm dead." 

"Well, he's going to have to look for a long time, because you rescued me from the cage, and I'm gonna protect you from him." 

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