Saved by the Dean (Dean)

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You hummed AC/DC to yourself as you got ready in the bathroom for you date that was coming up. You had already put on your makeup, and did your hair, now all that was left was for you to put on your sexiest dress, the dress you usually used for undercover ops. But now you were going on a date, with a really hot guy, and you wanted to pull out all the stops. 

"Dean!" You called out as you stood there in your dress. He walked over to you and saw you standing there, and his eyes went wide and he opened his mouth like he wanted to say something, but he kinda just stood there with his mouth hanging open. "Dean!" 

"What?" He asked shaking his head. 

"Can you help me zip up my dress?" You asked turning around so he could zip you up. 

"Sure," He said. As he did his hand grazed up your back as you held your hair to the side. He did it slowly as if he didn't want to pinch your skin, but it was really because he wanted to have his hand linger on your back. 

Once he finished, you turned around to face him. "Thanks Dean, so how do I look?" You asked. 

He opened and closed his mouth like a fish on land, but finally he got his bearings. "Are you sure that you want go out with this guy?" He asked not answering the question. 

"Yeah," You said stepping past him. "He really seemed interested in me, and I have to say, I found him quite charming." 

"He seemed like a total douche, and judging by the way he was looking at you as you walked away he doesn't just want to have a nice meal with you." He said. 

"Shut up, Dean." You hissed twirling around to face the boy who secretly loved but who you knew you could never have. "Just because someone noticed me doesn't mean that they want to get into my pants. Have you ever thought that maybe I have something more to offer than my body? I mean, I'm smart, I'm funny, I'm strong, I'm a hunter!" 

"You are, but I worry about you, not everyone can see that." Dean said. 

You sighed and reached for the door handle to the motel door. "I don't even think you see it." You mumbled to yourself. 


You met up with your date at the bar you met at, and he took you to a nice restaurant  and you had a wonderful time. He started walking you back to your motel, but since you didn't want Dean to see you stayed near the entrance to say goodnight. 

"Well, thanks for the lovely time." You smiled as he moved a strand of hair away from your face. 

"Thank you for the wonderful company." He leaned in and you two started kissing, and his hands slowly made their way down your back, and towards your ass, but were not having this, so you pulled back and he just moved to kissing your neck. 

"Tom, I think I should go." You said trying to push yourself away from him, but he held on tight his hands now squeezing your ass, and he pushed you up against the side of the building. "Tom!" You pushed him hard enough to get him off you. He looked at you with a mixture of shock and anger. "I said enough!" 

"I just paid for your dinner, there's an unspoken contract there that let's me-" 

"Is that all you saw of me, was a cheap prostitute who sells their body for a free meal?" You asked feeling hurt now, because everything that Dean said was true. 

"Well, yeah, aren't you attracted to me?" He asked. 

"Not anymore." You huffed turning to walk away, but he grabbed your wrist. "Let go!" You hissed turning and punching him across the face, but what you forgot was that Tom was a boxer, and he could take a punch. 

Instead of letting go of your wrist he pulled you closer, and started kissing you again even after you struggled. "You'll regret this." You said trying to push him away. He moved his hands up your thigh. "Stop it!" 

He just grunted, and just as he was about to touch you there, you heard running footsteps, and the sound of fist hitting flesh, and Tom was knocked away from you. You watched as you saw Dean punching Tom back and forth on the ground causing him untold damage. 

"Dean!" You yelled as you tried to pull him off. "He get's the point, now stop. Please!" 

Dean looked up at you with pure rage, but when they landed on you, they softened. You helped him stand up, off Tom, and you made sure to keep your hand in his. "Are you okay?" He asked touching your face. 

"I'm fine." You said shaking. 

"Thank you." Tom said quivering on the ground. 

"Shut up," You hissed giving him a swift kick to the groin. He curled up even more, and Dean pulled you close to him as you two walked off towards your guy's motel room. 

Once inside the motel room, you flopped on the couch and you instantly broke into tears, and Dean pulled you into his chest and he held you tight. "Shhh," He whispered petting your hair and resting his lips on the side of your forehead. 

"I thought he was different, I just thought someone could see past my looks, to who I really am." You sobbed. "I'm nothing, I finally see it now, you were right, Dean." 

"No, I wasn't," He pushing back so that he could see your face. "You were right, you deserve someone who can see how beautiful, smart, strong, sweet, and amazing you are." 

"And whose gonna see that? I don't spend enough time with anyone for them to see that." You said your heart sinking in your chest. 

"I see it," He said making your heart lift, "So does Sam." That made your heart drop once more. 

"Yeah, but not the way I want. You only see me as a sister." You said as he wiped away your tears. 

"That's where you are wrong." He said. "I've tried to only see you as a sister, I really did, but I just can't. Y/N I love you, and I know I shouldn't because you deserve way better than me." As he spoke, your heart skipped a beat. "Say something." 

"I... I...." You stuttered as you tried to find the right words, but you had had enough. "Kiss me." 

"What?" Dean said as you backed away from him so that you were facing each other on the couch. 

"Kiss me." You repeated. 

"Y/N, I don't think-" But before he could finish you leaned forward and pressed your lips against his roughly, and you took him by surprise, but soon he gave in, and started kissing you back furiously. His arms snaked their way around your back and held you tightly as they pulled you against his body. 

After God knows how long, you two broke apart and breathed heavily. Your body was pulled on top of his as you straddle his lap, and you two had your foreheads resting against each other. "If I had known you had felt the same way," You sighed. "I would have done that sooner." Dean just laughed. 

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