Back From Hell (Dean)

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It had been about five months since Dean had been ripped to hell. It broke you up inside, as much as it did Sammy. Unlike Sam who turned his sorrows into anger, you decided to retreat inside yourself. 

One night Sam got up and left you alone, and after that you made the decision to leave the hunting life, and live a secluded life. You made your way to New Mexico where your parents had a cabin in the middle of no where. 

After months of camping out there wallowing in your tears, you pretty much became a hermit. Only leaving to get food and supplies. You ignored all calls, most of which were from Bobby, but as much as you loved that old hunter, you couldn't bring yourself to think back to that life. Soon you just resided to turning off your phone. 

After a while you soon started to slowly get over the fact that Dean was stuck in hell, but still every night you dreamed of his screams and you would wake up with tears. 

One day you sat on the moth eaten couch, wrapped up in your blanket staring out the window, until you heard the knocking on your door. You snapped your head up, and grabbed the knife that was on the side table. 

The knocking continued, and you made your way towards the door. Once you reached the door you yanked it open, and brought your arm down onto whoever it was, but the person caught your arm. "Woah! Woah! Woah! Y/N, it's me!" You looked up to see Dean standing there with Sam standing behind him. 

Your eyes were wide and you stepped back. This must have been a dream, or demons playing tricks on you, or a skinchanger, or anything but what was really happening. And as if by reflex you reached to your right where you kept your weapons, and you grabbed your bottle of holy water, and you threw it on the two boys. 

Dean gave you a blank stare, and Sam looked pretty miserable as his hair was dripping, but there were no hisses in pain. "Y/N we're not demons." Dean deadpanned, and you still grasped your silver knife in your hand. "And before you go stabbing us," He pulled the knife out of your hands and sliced across his palm, and then he handed the knife to Sam who did the same thing, neither of them steaming from the touch. "See it's really us." 

Your arms were shaking, and tears brimmed your eyes. "Dean?" You whispered. 

He nodded and gave you that smile that you loved so dearly, and he opened his arms as if waiting for you to charge into them, but instead of melting into his arms, you were filled with a boiling rage, and before you knew what was happening you hauled back and punched him square across the face making him stagger backwards. 

Once he regained his posture he held his jaw with a shocked expression on his face, and Sam took a step back scared he was next. "Ow, what the hell?!" Dean said. "What was that for?" 

"That is for the turmoil you put me through these last year." You growled shaking in anger. "And you!" You looked to Sam who took yet another step back with a terrified expression. "How dare you leave me when I needed you most. I know you were going through losing Dean, but I was too. We needed each other, and you left!" 

"I'm sorry," Sam and Dean said together. 

But without another word, you pushed Dean back and shut the door in their face, and you collapsed to the ground sobbing. 

"Y/N?" You heard Dean open the door quietly. When he saw you sitting on the floor he knelt down beside you and pulled you into his warm embrace, and you crumpled into his arms. His strong arms and and earthy whiskey smell instantly made you feel safe again. "I have no idea how hard it was for you, but I promise I will never leave you again." 

"Promise?" You said looking up in his perfect apple green eyes. 

"I promise." He said kissing your forehead. 

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