Jungkook smiled softly and kissed the top of his head "don't worry baby, I understand thank you for thinking about my feelings but you need to tell me...I don't want you getting worse" Jungkook caressed his cheek softly, Hoseok nodded slowly before hugging onto his waist and nuzzling against him "Promise you'll tell me if anything's wrong?"


By the end of their little dorm party they had a passed out Namjoon and Yoongi "it's a good thing this is Yoongi hyung's dorm" Jimin laughed as he helped Hoseok place him on the bed "yeah" Hoseok chuckled softly and tucked the elder in before holding the door open for the others "thanks for coming."

"No need to thank us" Jin smiled softly as he draped Namjoon around his shoulders "Tae are you coming?"

Taehyung looked up from the half full bottle of alcohol "may as well you need help with Namjoon hyung." As Taehyung walked passed Hoseok he whispered in his husky voice "see you later Hoseokie" Taehyung returned to his ball of fluff attitude as he helped Jin with Namjoon "hope you feel better soon~."

Hoseok blinked at their retreating bodies until strong arms wrapped around his waist "we better go to sleep Hobi, it's late enough and you need rest" Jungkook kissed Hoseok's neck softly and the only reply the elder could give was a simple hum as he locked the dorm's door. Smiling softly the younger of the two lead them to Hoseok's bed. Both getting under the covers Jungkook rewrapped his arms around Hoseok to bring him close. Hoseok snuggled into Jungkook's chest as he closed his eyes. He wished his mind would shut off but when was he so lucky?

He could be staying in his apartment right now...in a comfy bed which he wouldn't have to share. But because you're so damn stupid and useless he's staying at the dorms, sleeping in a shit bed and sharing it with you. You out of all people, don't you feel even a tiny bit of remorse?

I do...I really do feel bad...

Good because if you didn't remember everything you wouldn't be in this situation. He wouldn't have to babysit you. You're a disgrace.

I know...

You're worthless

I know...

Has it ever occurred to you that the world would be a better place without you? Without your useless existence?

I-I'm not that bad...

Not 'that' bad?! Have you forgotten all of your dad's lessons?! I think you need to go visit him to remind yourself!

I-I don't! Those weren't lessons!

Oh they were. They were the best lessons you ever got!

Shut up

They taught baby Hoseok how to behave but poor Hoseok learnt NOTHING!

Shut up

You good for nothing worthless piece of shit


Hoseok squeezed his eyes shut as he ignored the voice in his head. He wanted to cry. Yell. Have a tantrum. Anything. But he couldn't. He tried focusing on Jungkook's even breathing and his slow heartbeat. Hoseok rested his head against the younger's chest and let his heartbeat lullaby him to sleep.

Hoseok frowned when a bright line shone in his eyes, shielding his eyes from the light he slowly opened them to see Jungkook already dressed "you're up early" Hoseok yawned as he snuggled into his duvet and pillow.

Jungkook chuckled and walked over to peck his lips "mm I have a lesson first thing that's why, I'll see you at lunch okay?" Hoseok hummed and smiled at the peck as he closed his eyes again. Hoseok heard the door close and Yoongi's soft snores. He was about to fall asleep when his eyes went wide, after his last dance lesson he's got mentoring to do with none other then Kim Taehyung. Hoseok groaned and hid his face in his pillow why did you have to come back in my life Taehyung?

Hoseok was extremely anxious when he was waiting in the dance room assigned to them. His hands wouldn't stop fidgeting so Hoseok re watched the video that Taehyung's class had to learn. He replicated those steps to make sure he got it right so he could correct Taehyung. At the end of the routine he heard clapping, Hoseok turned around so fast that he could've given himself whiplash "y-you're late." Hoseok cleared his throat so he wouldn't stutter again.

"Yeah sorry my acting teacher was going on and on and she wouldn't shut up" Taehyung groaned as he placed his bag down. Hoseok nodded at that and moved the music to the beginning.

"Say Hoseok?" Taehyung called out. Hoseok only gave him a hum as he kept his eyes forward "we haven't really gotten a chance to talk and catch up, want to grab some coffee or something after this?"

Hoseok froze and took a deep breath in before replying "No. We don't have anything to talk about and we definitely don't have any catching up to do." Hoseok turned around to face him with a straight face "but we do. Especially with you gaining your memories back. Hoseok please?"

Hoseok bit his lower lip. He knew coffee with Taehyung won't be any good. If anything it might relight the love he has for the younger and he can't have that. He's loyal. He's loyal to Jungkook. "No."

With that answer Hoseok started improving Taehyung's movements in the choreography. He taught him the steps and improved his posture in certain moves. When it came to dancing Hoseok forgot all his worries it was just the music, beat and his dance. So Hoseok was genuinely happy when he saw Taehyung improving with each run they did of the choreography. Soon enough it struck 5 and Hoseok paused the music "you improved in this lesson."

"Thanks!" Taehyung smiled and wiped at his forehead with his arm "Hoseok...please let's go grab coffee or something to eat?" Taehyung tried again, he knew when Hoseok was tired it didn't take him long to agree to what people wanted. I guess him being nice also helped so when Hoseok declined again Taehyung begged "hyung pleaseeee I really want to talk and sort everything out please?" Taehyung kept on begging and soon enough Hoseok accepted "fine fine... let's go grab some food."

Taehyung grinned like a Cheshire Cat "great! Let me get changed first!" Hoseok nodded at him and got up. He took his bag and locked it after himself before following Taehyung into the boy's changing room to shower himself and change.

AN: Whooooo~ finally managed to post this chapter :) I had to keep re writing this oh my god but hey it's done now! And I love all the vhope moments these days:

AN: Whooooo~ finally managed to post this chapter :) I had to keep re writing this oh my god but hey it's done now! And I love all the vhope moments these days:

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