t w e n t y s e v e n

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A/N : I forgot to tell you but..
This is the final chapter:-)

Hope ya'll like it.

Baekhyun is helping Chanyeol grandmother to prepare their lunch when suddenly Chanyeol step in the kitchen with worried on his face.

"Grandma.." He calls his grandma with a worried tone.

Chanyeol's grandma looks at him in confuse, "What is it, dear?"

"Y-Yoora called me.. She told me that she and mom will come to your house."

Chanyeol's grandma freeze, before her expression turn into a smiley one. "Then that's good."

Both Chanyeol and Baekhyun widens their eyes in shock, "What's so good about mom and Yoora come here, granny?! They will insist me to go home and we must be-"

"Don't worry, honey." She smiles before continue to cut the sausages. "They come here to support your relationship. I'm sure about that."


"I already talk to your mom on the phone, sweetie. She told me that she regret it. She want you back, and she want you to make your own decision." She smiles warmly.

Both Chanyeol and Baekhyun looks at her without any words.

"G-Granny? You're not kidding, right?" Chanyeol shakes her arm, making one of the sausages falling down.

Baekhyun notice it and throw it to the trash can.

"Do I look like I'm kidding right now?" She asks with a serious tone.

"N-No, but I'm just afraid that maybe.. You know.." He rubs the back of his neck.

Chanyeol's grandma smiles, "I'm telling the truth, so don't worry, okay?"

Finally Chanyeol nods. In his heart, he is super duper happy right now that his mom already support their relationship. But in the other side, he keep it down for a while because he afraid that he might make the sausages falling down like earlier.

Finally they back to their activities; Chanyeol cleaning the living room, while Baekhyun and grandma are cooking for their lunch.

Baekhyun was about to put all the food on the table, when suddenly the bell rings. Chanyeol is in the bathroom right now, so he probably won't hear the bell.

"I will open it." Chanyeol's grandma knowingly smiles to Baekhyun. She could sense that Baekhyun don't want to open the door because it could be.. Chanyeol's mom or someone..

And when Chanyeol's grandma open the door, Baekhyun could hear a voice greeting her. And it's obviously Chanyeol's mom voice.

Baekhyun widens his eyes, he quickly hide behind the kitchen's wall. He know that Chanyeol's mom already support their relationship, but HELL! He's not ready to meet her as Chanyeol's boyfriend.

"Chanyeol! Psst!" Baekhyun calls Chanyeol once he see his boyfriend is walking outside from the bathroom.

Chanyeol notice it, he turn his head to Baekhyun and look at him in frown.

Baekhyun gesturing him to come to him, and Chanyeol realize that his mom and his sister are already come. But they didn't realize that Chanyeol running towards the kitchen.

The distance between the bathroom and kitchen is not really far, but Chanyeol won't they to notice it.

"What is it?" Chanyeol is joining Baekhyun in this whispering competition.

Baekhyun looks down to his feet, "I-I'm nervous.."

Chanyeol chuckles silently, "Of what?"

"Of.. Your mom.. And your sister too.."

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