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Both Chanyeol and Baekhyun are now intertwine their hands while walking on the dark street. They spent the whole time at the cafe like almost 3 hours or maybe more. So it is dark when they about to go back.

"Baekkie, why don't you sleep over at my house since tomorrow is Saturday?" Chanyeol offers him while looking down at him with a smiling face.

Baekhyun seems to think for a while, "What about your mom?"

"Nah, she won't mind if I ask someone to sleep over."

Baekhyun still unsure about this, "How about.. You sleep over at my place? Plus, I'm alone and I never invite someone to sleep over before." He says shyly.

Chanyeol feels excited all of sudden, "Okay! That's not a bad idea. I will call my mom and tell her I will sleep over at your house."

Baekhyun nods, "Sounds cool."

Finally they enter the bus and walks again when they arrive at their stop.

They intertwine their hands again while chatting.

Arriving at Baekhyun's house, Chanyeol feels all excited. He never enter his house before. Is it his first time to see Baekhyun's house. It is his first time to visit his boyfriend's house.

"Wow, you have such a neat house." Chanyeol complimenting about Baekhyun's house being clean and neat.

Baekhyun smiles, "Really?"

Chanyeol nods, "Yeah, not like my room." He pouts.

Baekhyun chuckles, "Your room is quite neat tho, don't worry."

Baekhyun undone his shoes and put it on his rack. Chanyeol do the same.

"Have a seat. If you want to turn on the tv, the remote is on the coffee table. Make yourself at home, okay?" Baekhyun smiles to him.

Chanyeol just nods and smiles, "Thankyou, Baekkie."

"Anyways, what do you want to drink?"

"Uhm.. What ever you have."

Baekhyun nods, "Okay then." He walks towards the kitchen before pours a mango juice into the glasses.

He brings the two glasses of mango juice into the living room. He sees Chanyeol is already watching a show, he is comfortably sitting on the sofa with a smile on his face.

Baekhyun smiles seeing the view, "Comfortable already?"

"If there's you, I feel comfortable." He grins to Baekhyun.

Baekhyun just blush before gives him the juice.

Chanyeol takes a sip, "Mango?"

Baekhyun nods before smiles to him, "Do you like it?"

"I do." Chanyeol says before takes another sip. Baekhyun just smiles at him.

"Don't forget to call your mom, babyboy." Baekhyun reminds him. And Chanyeol quickly search for his phone.


"Mom, this night I will sleep over at Baekhyun's house. Is it okay for you?" Chanyeol bites his lower lip. He feels a little guilty for left his mom alone in the house.

"Gwenchana, your sister is here. Just don't forget to eat, okay?"

Chanyeol sighs in relief, Yoora Noona is already back. Thanks God.

"Okay, mom. I will. Bye, I love you." He hang up the call before give his boyfriend a smile. "My sister is there. So I don't need to worry about her."

Baekhyun nods, "You love your mom so much, hm?"

Chanyeol nods, "Of course. My mom is my hero. And my favorite person beside my mom and dad is you."

Baekhyun almost chokes his drink. "Don't said that all of sudden. You make me have this kind of heart attack." He blushes.

Chanyeol chuckles, "So cute." He ruffles his boyfriend's hair.

Baekhyun just freeze on his place.

"A-Anyways, do you want to take a shower?" Baekhyun changes the topic.

"Yeah sure but- Geez, I don't bring any clothes because I didn't planned this before." Chanyeol rubs the back of his neck.

Baekhyun smiles, "Don't worry. I have oversized t-shirts."

Chanyeol smiles in relief, "You sure I'm okay if I borrow it?"

Baekhyun chuckles, "Of course, you're my boyfriend."

Chanyeol grins, "I'm so lucky to have a boyfriend like you, baby." He hugs Baekhyun all of sudden.

Baekhyun just freeze before feel his face heaten up. "J-Just take a shower already!" He pushes him a bit, still with a reddened cheeks.

He still not use with this kind of Chanyeol; all sweet and fluffy.

Chanyeol just chuckles, "Why don't you take a shower together with me?"

Baekhyun widened his eyes in shock, before blushes even more. "Why would I?"

"Because we're boyfriends?" Chanyeol grins.

Baekhyun hits his chest, "Go now, Chanyeol."

Chanyeol pouts, "Come on, let's go together."

Baekhyun sighs, "No, Chanyeol."

Chanyeol use his puppy eyes, "Come on, I'll help you rub your back and you're doing the same. No dirty activities like blow-"

"YA!" Baekhyun covers his ears with his both hands. "I said no!" He glares at him.

But it makes him even more cute. So Chanyeol have a naughty idea.

He smirks, before lift Baekhyun up and carry him bridal-style.

"Chanyeol, put me down!" He hits his chest several time.

Chanyeol just smirks because he didn't feel anything from the hits. "No, until you take a shower with me."

"AISH! I won't forgive you for this!" Baekhyun keep screaming and hit him.

Chanyeol just let him hit his chest, while still carrying him into the bathroom.

They enter the bathroom with Baekhyun still screaming and Chanyeol is smirking.

A/N : I can't with this two boys>\\\<

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S A R A N G H A E 💞

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