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Chanyeol find himself end up smiling all the way home.

"Baekhyun, are you busy this Saturday?"

Baekhyun looks at him before seems to think for a while, "I think I have nothing to do this Saturday." He smiles.

Chanyeol grin widely, "How about going somewhere?"

Baekhyun freeze for a second before nod his head, "Sounds nice. Where are we going?"

"I don't really know.. Where do you want to go?"

Baekhyun thinks for a while, "Maybe.. Mall could work?"

Chanyeol nod his head in enthusiasm. He want to avoid that Mikaru girl and for some reason, he thanks to her because of her, he brave himself to ask Baekhyun to go out with him.

"Mall sounds awesome." Chanyeol grin widely.

Baekhyun chuckled, "Is it just the two of us or..?" He raises his left eyebrow.

Chanyeol suddenly feel flustered, "Y-Yeah, but if you want to invite-"

"So, is it a date?" Baekhyun ask with a chuckle.

And Chanyeol doesn't know why but his heart beating really hard and his cheeks turn really hot. He looks down shyly.

"Just kidding." Baekhyun taps his shoulder. "Come on, it's almost our stop."

"Moom~ I'm home!" Chanyeol release his shoes from his feet before enter his house.

"Hey, dear. Wanna eat?" She smiles to him with that calm smile of hers.

Chanyeol nods, "Yeah, I'm hungry. Anyway, what do you cook?"

The both of them end up talking in the kitchen with Chanyeol sits on counter and Mrs. Park cooks for their dinner.

"Anyway, where's Yoora?" He asks while pour an orange juice into the glass.

"She left for a business trip for about two weeks. And same go for your dad."

"What? But dad just came back after a month. But now he left again?"

She nods, "He's a busy man, Chanyeol."

Chanyeol sighs, "I know, but at least make some times for us.."

Mrs. Park just sighs.

"It's always like this mom, it just you and me." He smile bitterly.

His mom didn't respond anything after that.

That night, Chanyeol is rolling on his bed, holding his phone on his hands and smiling to the screen.

To : Baekhyun.
I will fetch you at 10am tomorrow. Can you send me your address?

Not long after that, his phone rings, tell him that he has a new message.

From : Baekhyun.
Here's my address : Jaejun Street Block C Number 92.

Chanyeol smiles widely. He know that street.

To : Baekhyun.
Owkaaay, I'll pick you. Don't be late and use your best suit;-)

From : Baekhyun.
I will;)

"Chanyeol, where are you going?" Mrs. Park frowns in confusion as she see her son is wearing a casual suit and sneakers. He must be want to go somewhere.

"Me and my new friend are going to hang out to mall. And I think I'll be going home at night. I promise I'll be back before 10."

She smiles, "Nine. Make it 9."

Chanyeol sighs, "I promise I'll be back before 9."

She taps her son's shoulder, "Good boy."

"Mom, I'm not a dog." He whines.

She just laughs, "Okay, sorry sorry."

"And mom, can I use dad's old car?" He asks with his puppy eyes.

She just smiles, "Enjoy it while he's not here." She winks.

Chanyeol laughs, "What a pervert mom."

"And what a naughty son." She chuckled. "Now go, take care and have fun!"

"I will mom! Bye!" He waves to his mom before run to the garage.

Baekhyun looks at his wall-clock several times. It's 9:50am but he already ready, sitting on the sofa and waiting for the time.

And for your information, he live alone by himself. His mom and dad live at the other side of the city in Korea. They bought him a simple and minimalist house just near the city. He really likes it here though, even though his parents aren't here. Not that he didn't miss them. He miss them a lot, also his brother, but he need to live here until the graduation day and he can go back to where his parents live once he already graduate from school.

He don't know why but feel excited(a little) and nervous(a little bit a lot) when Chanyeol ask him out to somewhere. But he can control it, for someone like him.

A sudden ringing bell makes him jump in shock. He walks towards the window and peeks who is it. And right there, there is Chanyeol, standing by the gate.

He quickly grabs his things before open the door and lock it before open the gate.

"Hey." Chanyeol greets him.

Baekhyun's heart suddenly beating uncontrollably, "Hey." He gives him a simple smile. And he realize that Chanyeol shoot him with a stare.

"So, can we go now?" Baekhyun asks to ease the tense between them.

Seeing Chanyeol in a basic black polo shirt, ripped jeans, and sneakers is really makes him feel something weird. Something that cannot be describe. Something that makes him gulp.

"Sure." He said before automatically open the passenger door for Baekhyun.

Baekhyun somehow feel special, but in the other side, he feel like a girl being on a date with her boyfriend. But he just shrug it off since he don't take it too much.

On the other hand, Chanyeol secretly staring at Baekhyun. Seeing Baekhyun with a graphic shirt, jeans, and a pair of sneakers, makes him bite his lower lip continuously, for no reason.

His pale and flawless skin..

His collar bone could be seen clearly, showing his milky skin..

His droopy eyes..

His pink and thin lips..

Chanyeol snap it away as he realize what he just thought. It's not really him, to think another person like that.

The car filled with nothing but silent as Chanyeol starts to drive. But suddenly Baekhyun brake the silence, "You look great, by the way."

Chanyeol blinks several times, "Uh.. Thanks? A-And.. You look great too."

Baekhyun chuckled, "Anyway, since we both looks great today, how about taking selfies?"

Is Chanyeol just fantasizing or Baekhyun is really winking?

A/N : Nyiahaha😋
It's almost.. there. If you know what I mean *wink wink*

Thanks for who still waiting for my updates. And thanks for the votes and comments guys💞 Your comments seriously makes my day💓

Keep revomment, okay?💃


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