t w e n t y o n e

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Baekhyun is laying on his bed. Hand folded above his head. He is thinking about his boyfriend right now.

Is he keeping a secret from me?

Baekhyun shakes his head. "No no.. I trust him."

He rolls on his bed before sigh, "But who is.. Mikaru?" He asks himself.

"Maybe she's just Chanyeol friend.." Baekhyun convince himself.

But earlier, Baekhyun clearly hear the word 'mom' from Chanyeol's mouth. Is his mother's name is Mikaru?!

But he's not sure about that. He know Chanyeol was a transfer from Japan. But he's one hundred percent that his mother is pure Korean.

So who's this Mikaru girl?

And if the caller is Mikaru, and who the one talked in the phone is Chanyeol's mother.. It means one thing.. They were together right now.

Baekhyun just shakes his head in all that negative thought. He decided to sleep. So he did.

In the other side, Mikaru is currently walking toward the sofa where Chanyeol sit on it silently, watching a tv.

He's actually not watching, he thinking about the small latter. He wants to tell him that Mika is here, the annoying and clingy girl is here, stay in his house for a goddamn 1 month!

Oh how he want to go somewhere so he can spend his time together with his boyfriend, and not meet this annoying girl.

"Chanyeol-kun." Mika sit beside him, moving closer purposely.

Chanyeol rolls his eyes, "What?"

"You've changed, Chanyeol-kun." She pouts.

Chanyeol scoffs, "Then why?"

"You're nice at me back then. I want the old you back." She pretends to be sad.

Chanyeol moves so their distance is not as near as before. "The old me? What did you know about me?" He scoffs.

Mika pouts, "You're acting really nice when you were at Japan. You go together with me and also with Yuko, Imaru-"

"That's because you insist me. You know what? You're actually annoying. And that's why I move back to Korea." He says, turn off the tv before go inside his room. He slams the door purposely.

Mika just freeze on his spot.

He's actually right. The boy never want to get close to her since the first start. It always has been her. She always started it. She always start the conversation, invite him to go somewhere, invite him to study together. It always been her. But the boy never give back what she want.

Mika feel a pang on her heart. She clutch her fist in hurt.

"I will get him. No matter what."

"Mom I think I will spend my holiday with my friends in Luhan's summer house." Chanyeol says, with a big smile on his face.

Finally, the holiday is coming. And that's mean there's 3 more weeks that Mika is staying here.

And the good news is, Luhan offered his friends to spend a summer holiday in his summer house. Which Chanyeol gladly accept it.

"Oh really?" She asks back. "Why don't you take Mika with you?"

Chwnyeol widens his eyes in fear, "What?! No no no!"

They are talking in Korean so Mika couldn't understand. But the mention of her name is Chanyeol's mom sentence, makes her curious.

"Chanyeol, you know that she's here to spend a holiday with you. But you just go like that? You know that her family help us a lot in Japan back then. You should, at least, appreciate it. With what? With taking her with you. That's it. It's as easy as we flips our hand."

Chanyeol stay quiet. "But my friends are boys. You know.. A girl and boys couldn't stay in one house.. without an adult. You know what I mean right?"

She smiles, "I know that your friends are nice boys and they won't do something with her."

"Mom, it's my friend's summer house-"

"How long you will stay in the summer house?"

"For about a week." He sighs.

"Take her with you or you can't go with them." She says. And Chanyeol guess it's the final. He never wins on his mother.

Chanyeol groans frustratedly, "Shit! Why always been her and her!" He madly go upstairs. Not even care that he just curse in front of his mom.

"Chanyeol! Language!"

"So how about you, Yeol? You're going with us, aren't you?" Luhan asks once they make a meet up in a cafe.

Chanyeol still lost on his thought. He keep stiring his coffee without even drink it.

"Yeol.." Baekhyun pats his shoulder. "You've been lost in your track for almost a week. What's wrong with you?" He asks calmly.

Chanyeol sighs, before runs his hands through his hair, "Baek, I think I need to tell you something. You guys should hear this too.."

Baekhyun, Luhan, Kyungsoo, Sehun, and Kai quickly leans their bodies nearer so they could clearly hear what Chanyeol will talk about.

"So.. You know that I'm a transfer student from Japan, right?"

The rest nods.

"I have a friend, her name is Mikaru."

The mention on Mikaru name makes Baekhyun tense up.

"She's super duper annoying, she ever came here like a month or 2 months ago.. I don't really remember. But then, she go back. And you know what?"

The rest shakes their heads.

"She's back again. Now even worst; she stay at my house to spend a holiday here!" He ruffles his hair frustratedly.

Some of them gasps. And some of them just freeze on their spots.

"And what makes thing even getting worst, my mom told me to bring her to Luhan's summer house. Or else I can't go with you guys."

The boys just freeze. "Then bring her." Luhan suddenly says, "I mean, you better go with us than not at all right? If you didn't go with us, that means you will spend your summer fuckin holiday together with the Mikaru girl. Ewh."

Chanyeol sighs, "I think of that too. But I'm afraid you guys will-"

"It's okay, Chanyeol. Bring her." Baekhyun smiles to him. He squeeze the taller's hand in full understand.

Baekhyun surely is a mature lover.

"Baekkie, I'm so sorry for not telling you this. It just.. I'm afraid you will not believe me anymore.. I'm.. Scared." Chanyeol looks down.

Baekhyun smiles, "It's okay. I understand."

Chanyeol cups his face before press his lips on the other one, not caring about their friends.

"Aww go get a room will you!" Luhan grins.

They pulls out, "I don't know what I did to deserve a boyfriend like you." Chanyeol says to Baekhyun.

Baekhyun smiles shyly.

"So, you're coming with us?" Luhan asks again.

Chanyeol nods.

And with that, they summer holiday will start. Well, with that annoying bitchy girl.

The next chap will makes you want to chop off Mika's head, I'm sure.

Thanks for who still waiting and supporting my fic💓

Keep revomment, yup?

Love you guyssss💞

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