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Mika smile widely to Chanyeol.

"Chanyeol-kun! I hope you won't mind." She smiles, all-too-sweetly.

Chanyeol almost puke at that. "Hmm." Chanyeol just gives her a hum. "I'm going upstairs." He says.

When he was about to walk, his mom stop him. "Chanyeol where do you think you're going?" His mom asks with a glare. And glare means she's serious right now.

Chanyeol sighs, "I want to take a rest, mom. I'm tired."

"You should eat first before going upstairs. Now." She commands, the Mika girl just giggles like crazy.

Chanyeol just sighs again before says, "At least I want to change my clothes."

"Alright, but you need to go downstairs after that." She gives him one last glare before allowing Chanyeol to go upstairs.

Chanyeol groans as he closes his door. He quickly change his clothes into t-shirt and a comfy pants. He lays on his bed for some minutes before going downstairs lazily.

"Now now, time to eat." Mrs. Park announce before she sit at one of the seats.

Chanyeol sit beside his mother, but suddenly Mika ask if she can switch with her so she can sit right beside Chanyeol. And his mother is alright with that, so they switch their place. Chanyeol just rolls his eyes secretly.

They starts to eat. And Mrs. Park suddenly open up a conversation, with Japanese.

"So Chanyeol, as you can see. Mika is staying here for about a month. And because she got no place to stay, she will be staying here."

Chanyeol chokes his food, "What?!"

"She will be staying here. Just go with her this summer holiday." She says, as easy as flipping the next page of book.

Chanyeol shakes his head, "I can't mom. I want to hang out with my friends." He says with Korean so Mika couldn't understand it.

She glares at Chanyeol, "Isn't Mika your friend?!" She asks with Korean too.

Mika just look at them with frown.

Chanyeol shakes his head, "It's not like that, mom.. It just.. I don't really want to- Ugh!" He groans in frustration.

"You got no reason, young boy." She scoffs him.

Chanyeol sighs harshly.

"Uhm.. If Chanyeol-kun don't want to.. It's okay." She smiles, and pretending all-too-nicely in front of Chanyeol's mom.

"Oh no sweetheart, I'm sure Chanyeol will change his mind." She smiles to Mika.

Mika just smiles shyly. "Uhm well, we'll see later then."

Chanyeol just rolls his eyes in the nth times this day.

"Yeol? What's gotten into you? You seems down today." Baekhyun pats Chanyeol's shoulder.

Chanyeol back to his senses, "Uh.. I guess I'm a bit tired."

Baekhyun nods, "If you have a problem, just tell me everything okay? There's no secret between us, hmm?"

Chanyeol gulps as hear the words 'no secret between us'. How can he not? There is a girl on his age in his house right now, and he's not telling his boyfriend yet.

Chanyeol nods.

Baekhyun smiles, "Remember, we're boyfriends. Okay?"

Chanyeol smiles bitterly, "Yeah." Chanyeol grabs Baekhyun's arm and pull him closer before giving the small man a tender kiss. "I love you."

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