She nodded and then cleared her throat before getting up to approach us, reaching for the baby who was still sleeping in Billie's arms. "You know he has returned from France this morning." She said, her eyes completely glued to Arden who had opened her eyes while she was being passed on between her aunt and her gramdmother.

          "Oh," I simply said while I tried really hard to concentrate on the birth certificate form I was filing and not on the fact that my heart was beating really hard for no reason other the fact that Frederick had been mentioned...not even by name, I might add.

         "He wants to see her since he hasn't physically seen her for the past two days."

         I looked up and frowned. "I have never stopped him from seeing her nor will I ever do. She's his daughter as much as she's mine, of course he can see her." I replied and wondered why they thought I wouldn't have agreed to him seeing her which had never happened. I personally wasn't ready to see him, be around him, and face him. But that was just me.

          She smiled as she went to sit, typing what I was sure was a text to Frederick on her way back to the sofa which allowed me to quickly finish the document I was filing and place it on the table next to me.

          I took a deep breath. I was finally getting discharged, Even though I had been moved out of the  ICU unit two days after I had woken up, I sure was glad all those four days of non stop examining to make sure that I was physically and somewhat mentally ready to leave the hospital were finally over and I could go home.

            Billie moved closer to me on the bed and playfully nudged me. I smiled at her. "Thank you for coming back to life. I'm sure you know we've missed you, so thank you for not actually dying and breaking people's hearts in the process." I nodded, my eyes already filling up thanks my freaking hormones. With a hand going around her shoulder, I pulled her into me for a hug.

        "You're welcome." I laughed through my tears, holding on tightly to Billie who was doing the same, although careful not to hurt me even more than I already was, which wasn't much anymore to be honest.

         We stayed this way for a long time without it being awkward because she was my sister, until we both heard a knock on the door. I let her go and watched as one of the doctors who had been taking care of me walked in with a smile on his face and a nurse following behind him.

            "I hope I'm not interrupting." The older gentleman said as he strode into the room. I chuckled, wiping off with my finger the tears that had escaped from my eyes and found refuge on my cheek.

            "I'm just here to say goodbye and wish you well. I've signed your release papers and rechecked all your results and vitals to make sure everything is up to par. You should be on your way out in the next fifteen minutes if not less." He informed me which put a huge grin on my face by the time he was done speaking.

         "Thank you, doctor."

        He smiled. "Oh no thank you, Eva. Your willingness to not give up and fight for your life has helped tremendously in this battle."

          Gazing over at my daughter who was wrapped in a blanket and sleeping in her grandmother's arms, I smiled lovingly, my heart warming up as I was unable to yet again contain my tears. Words couldn't express how much I loved her. She was my everything, my reason to be alive, my reason to live. I would have never forgiven them if they had hurt her. I would never forgive them for taking her away.

           I looked back at the doctor. "She's saved me." I told him, referring to Arden. He nodded then and a few minutes later, he was gone. Leaving me and the women in the room. I took a deep breath. It was almost over, just a few more minutes.


          I sat on the sofa in the living room of the penthouse while I nervously stared straight ahead at the elevator and very impatiently waited for what felt an eternity for them to show up. My palms were sweating, my legs shaking uncontrollably. I didn't know how long I could stay in this state until I passed out from worry.

          I shot up the second I heard the elevator doors open and ran towards her, my heart beating faster than it had ever did as I stopped in front of them.

        "Where have you been and why haven't you been answering your phone. I've called you multiple times." I yelled out unintentionally but couldn't possibly help it as I reached for my daughter out of Christin's hand and held on tightly to her.

          Christin frowned, seemingly shocked at my reaction, she pushed the empty stroller further inside the penthouse. "What's going on, Eva? My phone died a couple hours after we've talked but you knew where we were, you knew we were with Frederick."

            "Exactly, but that was three hours ago, she's a newborn baby, she shouldn't be out for that long without my knowing where she is at all time. I need to know or she's not going out without me ever again." I retored, moving from the place I had been standing to further into the living room.

          "Listen, Eva," she was saying as she followed  and sat right next to me while I cradled Arden in my arms. "I know you've been through a whole lot and I would never know what that was like and could never even try to pretend I knew, but you have to understand that Frederick will never intentionally let anyone hurt you or his child." She said as her arm came to rest on mine, my body tensing up even more than the level it was currently at.

         I took a deep breath to try to relax as I met her eyes. I sighed. "I'm sorry, I'm just so scared she'll be taken away from me again and as much as I try to not think this way, I can't." I said as she became blurry I front of me. "I don't know what I'll do if I ever lose her. I can't lose her, I can't. I won't allow it. Not again, not ever." I was saying, tensing up all over again as the images of Karlie with that kitchen knife cutting into my skin came to my mind." I grimaced painfully.

         "Aw sweetie," she said softly, pulling me in for a hug. I went willingly, letting my tears finally fall down for the first time since I had woken up from this God forbidden coma. I needed it.


    Hiya! OMG Ilysfm. Thank you and don't forget to vote! 😘😘


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