Chapter 14

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     Let me just say that I am not kidding when I say I almost fall out of my seat. I nearly slide right off the bench, and all the while Arthur just staring at me. Do I know Morgan? Yes I know Morgan! Her name is Morgana!
"Are you okay, Merlin?"
Great, just perfect! He obviously saw my reaction so he already knows the answer. But what can I say about her so as not to reveal that she was an evil sorceress? And also she was sitting near me just over ten minutes ago. How could I have been so stupid to forget she even existed? I need to start putting my feelings aside and start focusing on what's really important, finding out why Arthur's here and helping him fulfill what he needs to do.
"Yes- sorry. I'm fine," I say.
"Well you just nearly fell out of your seat," he states, "I'm assuming there's a reason why you act so surprised?"
"Yes- Well... it's true. I do know her. Or at least, I did," I mutter.
"Okay so you know her. But is it true? Did she live back in the time that I apparently did?" He questions.
"Yes, she did live. Your relationship with her was very similar to how it is today. She was your father's ward. Her parents died and she lived with you."
"So basically exactly how it is today. But how? How is she here? This doesn't make any sense-"
"I know!" I exclaim. I pause and calm myself down, "Look I know this doesn't make any sense. I'm still trying to make sense of it all. It's just so much."
He looks at me sadly. I've seen that look too many times. All those times I've almost died. Those times when I was basically helpless and he proved his friendship to me.
"Look," I start, "I'm sorry I don't know more. I wish I did. I just need more time. But trust me it will all make sense soon."
"Alright," he smiles, "But I would like to say, that even though we haven't been friends very long, I do value your friendship. I want you to know that you can come to me. You said that there was a time you trusted me with your life. Just know that you can trust me now."
"Thank you. It's nice to have someone I can count on," I reply, "Although I would like to have your word on something."
"Whatever these memories bring, whatever nonsense you think you remember but doubt it could be true, tell me about it. Know that you can trust me as well, even if what you're seeing doesn't make sense. Can you promise that?" I put out my hand. He shakes it and says,
"You have my word."
He starts to walk off when he stops and turns around.
"And Merlin?"
"Thank you. For everything," he finishes.
"Yeah sure. Anytime," I reply bewildered. All I did was told him the truth.
"Maybe that's just what he needed," says a small voice inside of me.

I really hope you enjoyed reading this chapter! It was a fun one to write. Thank you all again so much for reading. It's really encouraging to see that people are reading it. So I should be posting again soon, I'm trying to make it more regular. Have a great week!!

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