Chapter 10

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     It's been two days since I Arthur and I got together. Since then I've mostly been continuing on with normal life and trying not to think about it too hard. I know it will all work out eventually. But to be honest I end up thinking about it a lot.  I continuously find myself hoping that he'll call saying that he remembers more.  Even when I don't realize it. Like I'll check my phone more often to see if there are any missed calls, get excited when somebody does call but also get disappointed when I see it's not Arthur, and I never even realize I'm doing it until after I've done it. It's been two days! Is it really that hard to survive for two days?! I waited over 900 years for him yet this is hard.
     In all of this waiting I have been forgetting to ask about the hard questions. Why is he here? That's really what I need to know yet I don't think I want to know. Why did I see a vision of Morgana? That's what really worries. If Morgana's back along with Arthur who else is coming back? All of these questions that I just tend to ignore because they're hard to answer. But they're all so important for the course of what's about to happen. Maybe taking a walk in the park would be a good idea. I just need to clear my head and get a fresh perspective on things.
     So I head over to the park. It's a very nice day. It's bright and sunny but the air isn't too hot. It's beautiful out. So I just start walking down the path. It's certainly been a while since I got to do this. I've spent all this time thinking about Arthur and Camelot and... Morgana!
      I look over and I see her just sitting there in the park. Instantly I do the most logical thing I can think of at the moment. I hide behind a tree and watch.
"Okay, okay calm down." I say to myself. Maybe it's not really her. I look again. Nope, that's definitely her. But she looks sort of different. She looks sweet and kind, like she was when I first met her. Part of me really wants to just go over and talk to her. She doesn't look evil. But I keep my distance and continue watching.
     Maybe she's not bad, I think to myself. It could be the Morgana I first met when I came to Camelot. But I know that there's no way I can be sure. I really want to go over there but I know that could be a horrible idea. So I continue to look on, keeping my distance. Regardless of whether she's evil right now or not, that's Morgana. And that could be a very bad thing.

Thank you for reading this! I hope you enjoyed it! I'm sorry it took me a while to post but things have been rather busy lately. Feel free to comment or vote!! Have a great week!

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