Chapter 5

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It's Wednesday afternoon and here I am in the kitchen preparing dinner for Arthur. It's almost as if this has happened before, me preparing food for Arthur. Reminds me of doing this every day. I decided to make chicken for him coming. He won't really get the joke but I'm getting a good laugh out of it. I wonder if he knows how to make chicken now. He's had plenty of time to learn. But anyhow that's not the point of tonight.
Tonight I want him to remember. Maybe not everything but even just a little bit would be wonderful. I also want to figure out why he's back. Kilgharrah said Arthur would return when Camelot needed him most. Well first of all, Camelot no longer exists. And second of all, nothing's wrong! Everything seems to be going just fine, at least I think so...
I have around 30 minutes until he arrives. Already the table is set, the house is all tidied up, and the chicken is in the oven. I also have mashed potatoes cooking as a side. So I sit down to wait. And as I wait I start to think of all that has happened over my lifetime. I've seen so many incredible and unbelievable things things. I got to see the invention of new technology like cars or cell phones. But then I've also seen stranger things like people from other planets. Or there was this one girl who is also immortal who I believe called herself Me. That's not her real name but I forget what it was... Or I've seen people with such great minds, like detectives who are incredible when it comes to deducing.
I only wish I had someone to share all of this with. If Arthur would just remember then I could tell him. We could be great friends again just like it used to be. I just hope that's what happens and nothing goes wrong.
I look up at the clock to see how long until I need to take out the chicken. It was only supposed to cook 15-20 minutes. When I look up I find the chicken has been cooking for 25 minutes! I've been sitting here thinking for 25 minutes?! I rush over to take the chicken out of the oven. Maybe I should take a lesson on how to cook chicken... The chicken is obviously a bit burnt but it should still be good enough to eat. I don't think Arthur will judge too harshly. It's not like he's a king or anything, I laugh to myself.
Well now all the food is ready so all that's left to do is wait. He should arrive any minute now. I'm a little bit, what's the word I'm looking for... Nervous, maybe? But it feels different than that. We were such great friends. I'm excited for the opportunity to have that back. But I'm also slightly worried that something will go wrong, that he'll never remember or that I'll mess things up and scare him off.
*knock, knock* I hear from the door. I quickly calm myself down and get up to answer the door. I open the door and Arthur is there with a look on his face. I can't really tell what it is. It looks like a cross between confusion, worry, and realization I believe.
"Merlin?" He inquires as I open the door.
"Yes, what is it?" I ask, slightly worried.
"I know you," he says, "I remember something."

Thanks so much for reading!! I hope that you're enjoying my story! Feel free to give me any feedback. If you are enjoying this don't forget to vote if you would like. I will probably post the next chapter soon! Have a good week!

The Once and Future KingNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ