The End

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Hey guys! So that was the end of my story. I really hope you guys liked it. I'm gonna be honest the story went an it longer than I thought it was going to. But still I really enjoyed writing it. I haven't decided yet but there may or may not be a sequel sometime in the future. But if there is I think it will be a while away. But anyways I just really wanted to thank you all for reading my story! Also a big thanks to BekahKathleen for helping me out a lot with this at the beginning and also sometimes near the end. And for always being being first person to read a new chapter(with a couple exceptions.) I'm going to say again that I do not own Merlin or any of the characters in it. Again thanks so much for reading and I hope you liked it!

The Once and Future Kingजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें