Chapter 1

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     It's a warm summer day and I'm just sitting on the bench like I usually do. I'm enjoying the peace and having time to think. Of course I started thinking about Arthur and Camelot again. Things that I should have done or should have said. Maybe I could have saved him. Maybe I could have saved them all. The Maybe if I would have shown him sooner...
      I suddenly break myself out of these thoughts reasoning that there was nothing I could do. I just stare down the path at people walking by. I try to think about all the things I need to get done for work. I am currently a manager at a restaurant close by. There's a bunch of hiring that needs to be done and we have an inspection next week and I have a ton of paperwork I haven't done yet.
     Just as I start making a mental list of all the things I need to get done, some runner comes over and sits on the other side of the bench for some water and a break.
"You don't mind do you?" He asked. I look up to answer him, somewhat annoyed.
"Well I-" is all I got out before I looked up to see Arthur sitting before me. I was completely stunned! I froze up for a couple seconds. But then I quickly composed myself to say,
"No, no. It's just fine, my friend."
"Friend? It's rare to be called friend by one you just met. But thank you. I'll only be a minute." He replies.
"Oh please stay as long as you need." I respond.

Thank you reading!! I hope you liked it! Please vote if you did. Feel free to message me with any comments you had regarding the story. I am planning to post another chapter soon. :)

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