Chapter 7

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This is rather complicated. I don't really know what to think. I'm stuck somewhere between, "Yay he remembers" and "Well he doesn't seem to remember what I need him to remember." He remembers pieces of the past but not enough to just flat out tell him everything. He doesn't know about his history, he doesn't know about his friends or the Knights, and he doesn't remember magic. He doesn't remember that I have magic! So... now what? It's been a few seconds since he asked for an explanation and it's a bit awkward. But I still don't have an explanation. Maybe I should just give him part of the truth.
I clear my throat before I start. Again.
"Well, it's a bit complicated. I know what you're taking about and yes I agree it is a memory. But... It's all very complicated. It was obviously a very long time ago before you were born. It happened it another time... Another life in a way." I attempt to explain. It didn't come out as I planned but it was worth a try. Maybe he'll accept it.
"Another life?" He asked, "As in I died and was reborn? That's your explanation Merlin? And you didn't really say what you have to do with all of this? If you know something tell me."
Well that didn't go as planned. He's still the same Arthur I can say that about him. I just need more time. And I need for him to remember more.
"Okay, okay. I see your point. That wasn't a really good explanation. And I know it's very complicated believe me. How about we discuss it over dinner? I will explain what I can. And with time I'm sure you will come to understand more," I respond.
"Well that's a very vague answer. And you know you used the word complicated three times in the last two minutes. But I guess I might as well stay and try to find out what I can. And I couldn't let all this food go to waste." He smirks.
"Okay then. Well, let's eat." I say.
"And then you can start explaining what's going on here," he adds.

Thank you for reading this part of my story! It's been really fun to write and I hope you're enjoying it. Again feel free to comment any feedback. And please vote if you like it! I'm probably going to post within the next few days! Have a good day!

The Once and Future KingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora