Chapter 1: Beautiful Monster

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Hiya! *waves*

Long time no upload... :) I hope you all relate to Mae; I think it's easy to relate to monstrous characters, but that is only my opinion... Enjoy!!!


~Sheep Grl ;)


The lid of my egg-like enclosure opened and I surfaced from the water. My breath came in short, shallow gasps; my chest rising and falling rapidly as I desperately gasped for air in earnest. My heavy, blood coloured locks clung to the sides of my face and reached low, down the arch of my back.

My hand shot up to my chest, where my heart was. It was stilling beating, albeit erratically... That meant I was still alive. Heart beating, lungs filling with air. It still didn't make sense, I should have been dead.

My eyes wide, I looked through the darkness around me. My vision blurred and pain lanced through my skull every time I moved. Who had done this? I was supposed to die… I want to die...


A man in a white coat floated through the darkness; beady eyes studying me as he pushed his small glasses up the bridge of his nose. He frowned, bushy eyebrows pulling together in disdain as he looked down in disgust.

"You survived the treatment." The words weren’t those of glee.

"Aren't scientist supposed to be smart? It's pretty obvious I'm alive by the way I'm still breathing!"

I laughed dryly, my original hatred flooding back to me at the sight of him. I tightened my hands together, curling them into powerful fists. My power was back with my will to fight; I knew that I had to kill every last one of them.

They deserved to burn in Hell for what they did to me.

A dark smiled crept to my lips. I rose with a fluid grace, water sloshing at my feet; my fingertip lightly stroked across my bottom lip with sharp nails. A small cut formed and I licked the wound clean, much in a way like a snake would flick out its tongue. In front of me the scientist stared in horror.

"Now it is time for sweet revenge..." I giggled, placing one step forward out of my cage for the last 6 months. In a blur of red light, I plunged my hand through his chest.

His voice broke mid scream and I grinned, pulling out my gore filled fist. I took a small moment to study his heart; still pulsing. His body crumpled onto the black floor, his expression that of utter fear. I threw the heart onto the polished linoleum; it splattered with a squish, droplets flying around like tiny bullets. One landed into my open mouth, the taste sending a flutter of anticipation in my stomach, hungry for battle.

My fist tightened, eyes blazing a magnificent, crimson red.

I opened the door, leading me into the crowded yet silent laboratory. The eyes of every white coated monster fell on me. Their looks varied from disgust and disbelief to amazement at my, still living, presence.

... I killed them all.

8 weeks later: 

Coach Steve's voice pounded through Whitehall Secondary College; shaking the old walls and spreading the news of my arrival through the school of my nightmares. The walls moaned as the wind blew strongly outside, the sun slowly rising over the dark pine forest that protected the grounds from the public eye.

I could hear the whispers already... Their judgments weighing me down...

"You were on the run for 8 weeks?!" Coach threw his arms up in exasperation.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2012 ⏰

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